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Belief and the Firstfruits (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Jesus said, 'Believe in Me,' and hundreds of millions have said, 'I believe.' But true belief is impossible until a person has been appointed to eternal life.

Are Your Beliefs Preferences or Convictions?

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Conviction is essential to faithful living, sanctification, loyalty, and faithfulness to God. Whether we compromise depends on the strength of our convictions.

Belief and the Firstfruits (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

While salvation is within our grasp, it is not determined until we have finished the race. Salvation is ours to lose, if we choose; we can fall away.

Belief and the Firstfruits

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

God has bless,ed the firstfruits with precious belief and knowledge which must be protected, guarded, nourished and exercised so it will not slip away.

Belief and the Firstfruits (Part One)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

When we consider all human action throughout history, and the compounding calamities that are reaped, it is clear that human belief is fundamentally flawed.

Belief with Obedience

Sermon by John O. Reid

Catholics and Protestants, because of lack of belief, do not find the Bible a sufficient guide to salvation. They claim to believe Christ, yet disobey.

How Can We Measure Our Faith?

CGG Weekly by Pat Higgins

How do we obey this call to test ourselves, to know whether we are in the faith? A good place to start is to see how God measures faith, beginning with Abraham.

Wandering the Wilderness in Faith

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Like the Israelites, Christians must live by faith as we follow Christ through a spiritual wilderness. Faith is the vital component carries us through.

The True Gospel (Part 5)

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

It is not enough just to confess Jesus verbally and believe in the resurrection as an intellectual exercise. Heartfelt belief leads to righteousness.

The Post-Resurrection Last Words of Christ (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

It is presumptuous to cast aspersions on Thomas, using the cliché 'Doubting Thomas,' as he was braver than most of us would have been in his circumstances.

The Christian Fight (Part Three)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

With all the military metaphors in the Bible, there can be no doubt that God likens the Christian life to a war against the evils and temptations we face.

In God We Trust

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

When the Assyrian monarch Sennacherib tried to intimidate Hezekiah, attempting to sow doubt and division, God intervened, destroying 185,000 soldiers.

Faith and the Christian Fight (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The Bible abounds in metaphors of warfare, indicating that the Christian's walk will be characterized by stress, sacrifice, and deprivation in building faith.

Our Faith Is the Victory

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

While the carnal mindset is hostile to everything in God's word, we have been provided a gift to enable us to overcome: the faith from being born of God.

We Must Believe!

Sermon by John O. Reid

We are asked to believe in a Being nobody has directly seen or heard, whose written word has been vilified and scorned. Without faith, we can't please God.

Three Aspects of Faith

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

Believing in Christ is only the first rung on the ladder of faith, placing us on par with the demons who believe and tremble, but don't do anything good.

Do You See God? (Part Two)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Conversion is a lifelong process in which we endeavor to see things as God does. We must understand and act on the fact that God is deeply involved with us.

Seeing Is Not Believing

'Ready Answer' by Ryan McClure

Our senses can be deceived through distraction and misdirection, which becomes especially critical when determining matters of spiritual importance.

The Christian Walk (Part One): In Love

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

If we submit to God, allowing His spirit to guide us, we can live in the spirit, walking in love.

Why So Many Religions? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by John W. Ritenbaugh

There are over 1,200 Christian denominations in the United States! Why has God not intervened to remove the confusion and set things straight?

Faith (Part Five)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

At the time of the end, sin will be so pervasive and so compelling that our only resource for enduring its influence will be our relationship with God.

Leadership and Covenants (Part Nineteen)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

The seven 'I will' promises Got made to Abraham were truly foundational promises, impacting the lives of multiple billions of people up to the present day.

Do You See God? (Part One)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

It is true that we cannot physically see the invisible God, but that does not mean that we cannot recognize His involvement in our lives. Here's how.

Willingness to Believe

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Americans (like most of the Western world) tend to be skeptical, cynical, and jaded, demanding mountains of evidence before becoming convinced of anything.

Maintaining Good Health (Part 8)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

A poor spiritual diet will bring about a weak spiritual condition. What the mind assimilates is exceedingly more important than what the stomach assimilates.

Servant of God, Act II: God's Gift of Faith

Article by Charles Whitaker

The story of Ebed-Melech goes far beyond a historical vignette. His story is an allegory of God's grace to the Gentiles.

Do You See God?

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Unless we acknowledge God's sovereign authority in our lives, following through with the things we learn from scripture, we, like atheists, will not see God.

Do You Believe—Really Believe?

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Numerous religions claim the Bible as their source of belief, but none of them seems to care that what they do does not square with biblical teaching.

The Christian and the World (Part Three)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We must realize we are walking on a razor's edge, with the Kingdom of God on one side and the world with all its sensual magnetic charms on the other side.

The Sovereignty of God (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We are assured that even though inexplicable things happen in our lives, God is still sovereign. We must develop childlike faith to trust in Him for solutions.

What We Can Learn From This Day of Atonement

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

God's solution to mankind's separation was sending a second Adam, Jesus Christ, to make reconciliation possible. Fasting shows our dependence on God.

Faith and Prayer

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Constant, earnest prayer keeps faith alive and makes certain the receiving of the qualities that make us in the image of God. God's purpose comes first.

Separation and Oneness With God

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Since the beginning, God's purpose has been to bring all things into harmony with Him, giving mankind a respite from the heaviness of a sin-laden world.