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The New Moons
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughA concise explanation of what the Bible says about New Moons and what that means to us today — what it means to 'observe' the New Moons.
The Biblical New Year
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughGod gave Israel a calendar, including a starting point for the year. He tells Moses simply, "This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you."
The Cancerous Calendar Controversy
Article by John W. RitenbaughWhich calendar should be used to set God's holy days? No subject, unless it is church government, has divided more people for as long a period of time.
The Lunar Sabbath or the Seventh-Day Sabbath: Which?
'Ready Answer' by Charles WhitakerThe recent Lunar Sabbath phenomenon is unbiblical and unworkable. The weekly Sabbath, observed every seventh day, is correct and in line with God's Word.
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaGod established the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of Creation; He established His Holy Days (moedim) on the fourth day. These are His appointments.
Faith and the Calendar (Part Five): Summary
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughGod assigned the tribe of Judah to be the caretakers of the oracles. The real issue in this controversy is faith in God's sovereignty and His faithfulness.
Faith, Hope, and the Worship of God (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughUsing assumptions, some have concocted some nine conflicting calendars. The preservation of the oracles has not been entrusted to the church but to the Jews.
Are the Sabbath and Holy Days Done Away?
'Ready Answer' by Earl L. HennIn order to justify not keeping the Sabbath, many use Colossians 2:16-17 as proof that Paul did not command it. Here is what they are overlooking.
Are God's Holy Days To Be Kept Today?
Sermon/Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsIf we do not keep God's holy days, we will deprive ourselves of the knowledge of God's purpose. Jesus and the first century church observed and upheld these days.
Faith and the Calendar (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe issue is not mathematical or astronomical, but instead a matter of trust in God's faithfulness, authority, sovereignty, oversight, or ability to govern.