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Is Passover on the First Day of Unleavened Bread? (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeJesus and His disciples are shown observing the Passover in a home at the beginning of Abib/Nisan 14. However, a few verses seem to indicate the next day.
Deuteronomy 16, Passover, and the Night to be Much Observed
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughIn Deuteronomy 16:1, the word 'Passover' is out of context. It applies to the whole season, including the Night to be Much Observed and the Days of Unleavened Bread.
Is Passover on the First Day of Unleavened Bread? (Part One)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeMatthew, Mark, and Luke each seem to put Passover on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, but a closer look reveals the consistency of Scripture.
Deuteronomy 16:1-8
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughDeuteronomy 16:1-8 refers to Unleavened Bread rather than Passover (a scribal error, perhaps referring to the season). Ten clues clear up this misconception.
Why Was Jesus Not Crucified as Passover Began? (Part One)
'Ready Answer' by David C. GrabbeThe gospels show Jesus observing the Passover at the beginning of the 14th. Should we use the time when He observed it or the time He died as our guide?
Passover (Part Nine)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe context of Deuteronomy 16:1-3 indicates the focus of these verses is on the Night to be Observed and the Days of Unleavened Bread rather than the Passover.
When Is Passover?
CGG Weekly by Pat HigginsIs Abib/Nisan 14 the right day for Passover? Jewish practice and even some with a church of God background say Nisan 15 is the right day. Which is correct?
Head 'Em Up and Move 'Em Out!
Article by Mike FordWhen should we observe Passover - in the evening of Abib/Nisan 14 or 15? The logistics of Israel leaving Egypt prove we should keep Passover on the 14th.
Should Passover Be Observed for Seven Days?
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe words in Ezekiel's Millennial vision seem to say that the Passover should be observed for seven days. However, this contradicts other clear scriptures.
How Often Should We Partake of the Lord's Supper?
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletThe biblical proof that God's people should keep the Passover (the Lord's Supper), explaining that it occurs annually on the evening of Nisan 14.
Passover (Part Ten)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAt the time of Christ, because of historical deviation, some kept Passover at home at the start of the 14th and others kept it at the Temple at the end of the 14th.
The First Day of Unleavened Bread (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPassover takes place at twilight as the 14th of Abib begins. Unleavened Bread begins 24 hours later on the 15th of Abib. The Passover is a preparation day.
Passover (Part Five)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughUsing subterfuge, some proponents of the 15th Passover muddle up otherwise clear, day and night issues by surreptitiously inserting modern English language usage.
The Selfsame Day
Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The word 'selfsame' refers to a specific commemorative date. The selfsame day is a signal that God is faithfully in control of time over multiple centuries.
Head 'Em Up and Move 'Em Out!
Sermonette by Mike FordCan 2½ million people (with livestock and possessions) move out of a location (Ramses in Goshen) in five hours?
Passover (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe proponents of a 15th Passover discount clear scriptural details and instead speculate. One cannot build doctrines on implication, distortion, and traditions.
Why Wasn't Jesus Christ Crucified at the Start of Passover?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeJesus was crucified late on Abib 14, yet the Passover lambs were to be killed at the beginning of the 14th. The time of Christ's death is highly significant.
Passover (Part Three)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughNine steps had to be included with the Passover observance, all within the house until morning. It takes place between sun's setting and complete darkness.
Why Was Jesus Not Crucified as Passover Began? (Part Two)
'Ready Answer' by David C. GrabbeThe timing of Christ's crucifixion does not coincide with the Passover, but instead lines up with the covenant God made with Abraham, marking a major fulfillment.
Truly Unleavened
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod has imputed righteousness to us as His Children because we are in Christ. Our state before God is unleavened provided we maintain this relationship.
The Lesson of the Night to be Much Observed
Sermonette by John W. RitenbaughThe same God who exercised vigilance and care over our forebears does so over us. Israel's leaving Egypt signifies maintaining the relationship with God.
Passover (Part Two)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Passover is to be kept on the twilight of the 14th, while the Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th. The Word of God supersedes tradition and heritage.
Was Jesus Christ's Body Broken?
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeWas Jesus Christ's body actually broken? If so, it would have symbolized disqualification and a broken covenant. Only the bread of Passover was broken.
The First Day of Unleavened Bread (Part Two)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe term 'selfsame day' refers to the covenant God made with Abraham 430 years before the Exodus, which occurred on the day after the Passover.
The Wavesheaf and the Selfsame Day
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe wavesheaf offering is reckoned from the weekly Sabbath within the Days of Unleavened Bread. It had specific requirements that were not met in Joshua 5.
Countdown to Pentecost 2001
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughHow does one count to Pentecost when Passover is on a weekly Sabbath, making the Last Day of Unleavened Bread the only other available Sabbath to begin the count?
Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughJesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament types, slain as the Passover Lamb, resurrected with the cutting of the wavesheaf, and ascended to His Father at the time of the waving of the sheaf.
Passover (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSome believe in a late-14th Passover on the basis of II Chronicles 35:10-11, but this overlooks the context. The Passover was originally a home-based observance.
Passover: An Extraordinary Peace Offering
Sermon by David C. GrabbeThe Passover sacrifice is basically unconnected with atonement, but represents the peace and security which attends fellowship with God because of His acceptance.
The Night to be Much Observed
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Night Much to be Observed is a memorial of the covenant with Abraham, and God's watchfulness in delivering ancient Israel as well as spiritual Israel.
Passover (Part Eight)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe temple Passover commanded by Hezekiah was a very unusual circumstance in which the king centralized worship to keep Baalism from defiling the Passover.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughConfusion over time of Passover, the wavesheaf offering, and Pentecost results from making assumptions unwarranted by clear scriptural evidence.
Passover (Part Seven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughMajor reinterpretations have significantly distorted the meaning of Passover and Unleavened Bread, blurring the distinction between the two events.
Why Passover and Not Easter?
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe Catholic Church did not forbid keeping the Passover until AD 325. The controversy over Passover or Easter boils down to following Scripture or Roman tradition.
Chronic Difficulties
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughHuman tradition and Bible truth regarding the timing of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection do not square. Here is the overwhelming chronological evidence.
Bible Study by Richard T. RitenbaughFootwashing is the initial part of the Passover ceremony. Why did Christ institute it? What is its purpose?
Passover (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe annual reaffirmation of the covenant through the Passover is at the core of an on-going relationship with the Father and Son, beginning the perfecting process.
Holy Days: Passover
Bible Study by Earl L. HennPassover may be the most important festival ordained by God. Not only does it memorialize Christ's death, it also symbolizes our redemption and the covenant.