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The Trinity and the Holy Spirit (Part Two)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The Father and the Son are two separate personalities, with the Father having pre-eminence. The Bible contains no evidence of a third person in the God family.
The Wonderful, Powerful Gift of God's Holy Spirit
Sermon by John O. ReidWhen we receive God's Spirit, we cannot escape the responsibility of using it, being a light to the world in the correct way of living. Hi Spirit is His power.
The Helper and the Angel of the Lord
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeChrist frequently used 3rd person titles, such as the Son of Man and the Helper. Just as Christ sent the Helper—Himself—so Yahweh sent His Angel—Himself.
Yoked With Christ, Our Helper
Sermonette by Ted E. BowlingThe Paracletos (Helper or One who goes alongside) clarifies the biblical metaphor of taking Christ's yoke, which eases burdens because He shares them.
Strategies for Interfacing with Babylon without Becoming Assimilated (Part Five)
Sermon by David F. MaasGod is not a closed triangular Trinity, but a family consisting of God the Father and God the Son, and will include billions of resurrected, glorified saints.
The Father-Son Relationship (Part Seven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Holy Spirit is never venerated as a separate being. Our hope is the indwelling of Christ, used interchangeably with 'Spirit of God' and 'Spirit of Truth.'
The Five Paraklete Sayings
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe five parakletos sayings of Christ prove that the Holy Spirit is the essence, mind, and power of God and Christ in us, providing us assistance and counsel.
Acts (Part Three)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughAdherents to the Pentecostal movement try to mimic some of the superficial surface manifestations of Acts 2 rather than follow the teaching given on that day.

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Four)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughGovernment may be the most important subject in the Bible because it touches on how Christians are to govern themselves under the sovereignty of God.

Living By Faith and God's Grace (Part Two)
'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh'Grace' is a term that represents God's awesome generosity toward us, His continuously flowing blessings and saving acts. It goes beyond just forgiveness.
The Offerings of Leviticus (Part Eight): Conclusion (Part One)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe offerings have a great deal to do with our relationship with God. How closely do we identify with Christ? Are we being transformed into His image?
The Source of Church Characteristics (Part Two)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Jesus Christ is the architect of the church, indicating that the institution must take on the characteristics of the Builder, reflecting His character.
Philippians (Part Five)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughJesus Christ, through His voluntary humility, has given us a model of the mindset that we need to have in order to attain membership in the family of God.

The Christian Walk (Part Three): In Wisdom
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod wants us to take our salvation seriously, walking in love, light, and wisdom, attaining the know-how to work out our own salvation, redeeming the time.
Healing the Breach
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe have been called as an elite unit to work with Christ to help repair the breach caused by ruptured covenants between God and man for all mankind forever.