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The Model Prayer (Part One): Introduction

Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In the model prayer, Jesus Christ gave His disciples a basic outline from which they could craft their own meaningful prayers to the Father.

Avoiding Prayer? Consider Carefully

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The whole world is in hurry-up mode. What have often suffered are prayer and its companion, Bible study—and ultimately, the individual's relationship with God.

The Prayers of Jesus

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Christ's example teaches us to pray humbly in all situations, including decision making, resisting temptation, and acquiring spiritual strength.

Are We Laodiceans?

CGG Weekly by Pat Higgins

At day's end, ask how much time we spent communicating with God and Christ and how much time They were in none of our thoughts (Psalm 10:4).

Fearing God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

If we fear our boss, college professor, employer, or spouse more than God, we are guilty of idolatry, putting human figures in the place of God.

God's Warning

Sermon by John O. Reid

To watch world events but to ignore our spiritual progress and overcoming is a foolish and futile exercise. We need to watch how we conduct ourselves.

Conforming to This World

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

It is far easier to conform to the world than to Christ. We must yield to God to renew our minds, living in the spirit rather than in the flesh.

The Book of Daniel (Part Four)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Sin, the real opiate of the people, makes us oblivious to danger, giving us a debased and reprobate mind. It is not static, but leads to destruction.

Instruction in the Morning

Sermon by Charles Whitaker

Spiritual breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The early morning hours seem to be the most advantageous time to receive the counsel of God.

Finishing Your Gun Lap

Sermon by John O. Reid

The most dangerous lap we encounter is when everyone around us tends to be compromising. Today, what was once aberrant behavior is now considered normal.

The Wearing Out of the Saints

Sermon by John O. Reid

Daniel foretells of a leader who will 'wear out the saints of the Most High.' Though we may feel worn out now, we will prevail in the end if we stay the course.

Be Anxious For Nothing

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Fear and anxiety are normal human emotions. But through changing our focus from earthly to heavenly things, we can rise above the concerns, remembering Who is with us.

Armor of Light

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

God commands His people to walk in the light, radiating the unfathomable brilliance of the Father and Son Who are within them.

The Corps Of Discovery

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Mark Schindler

The real vision of uncharted exploration far surpasses the fantasy world of Star Trek, calling for more challenging work, akin to Lewis and Clark's expedition.