Sermon: Passover: An Extraordinary Peace Offering


Given 20-Mar-21; 35 minutes


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The sin offering, typifying Christ's paying the price for our sins, is not the same as the Passover offering, which symbolizes fellowship with the Creator God because of God's favor and acceptance. The Passover sacrifice is a type of peace offering. Ezekiel 20:5-7 clarifies that the Israelite slaves in Egypt were unabashed idolaters, even carrying their idols out of Egypt into their tents in the desert. God destroyed the first born of the Egyptians and mercifully passed over the sins of the idolatrous Israelites. The Passover sacrifice is basically unconnected with expiation, but represents the peace and security which attends fellowship with God. In its ancient historical context, the Passover sacrifice made possible God's protection from the death of the firstborn, His willingness to mercifully overlook (pass over) the people's sins. The Passover sacrifice does not prefigure the forgiveness of sin, neither in its historical context nor in the symbolism of the lamb's sacrifice. In the New Testament context, God's people enjoy a covenantal relationship with God—the covenant of peace. Through the New Covenant symbols of the covenant, God's people eat of the bread of life and drink of His blood in order to maintain the precious communion between themselves and God, thereby showing their continued faithfulness to the Covenant confirmed by Christ in His death.

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