Sermon: Patriotism, the Summer Soldier, and Our Times (Part One)


Given 28-Mar-21; 71 minutes


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The government and the mainstream media are increasingly targeting evangelicals for their defense of patriotism. Some commentators see American millennials and post-millennials as non-patriotic and self-centered, demanding that government give them everything they want. The anti-patriotic attitude currently manifested in the lands of Jacob's offspring is similar to the zeitgeist in the Mediterranean Basin in 63-67 AD, precisely at the time the apostle Paul penned his exhortative message in Hebrews. Patriotism in America and Britain faded shortly after the end of World War II. Many younger voters no longer concern themselves about the nation but focus on themselves, failing to understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The Democratic Party, by aspiring to forgive all student debt and a provide a guaranteed income for everybody, is destroying the work ethic, respect for God's laws and genuine patriotism. Jesus Christ, having supreme love for God's family, was perhaps the arch-patriot of all time. God is currently developing ambassadors and future leaders of God's Kingdom. Christ was not a sunshine patriot but sacrificed everything He had for the sake of God's people and the Kingdom of God. In addition, He has provided all of God's called-out one's distinct spiritual gifts which make possible the edification of the Body of Christ.

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