Sermon: Never Forget


Given 09-Apr-22; 28 minutes


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Major armed conflicts, including the American Civil War, World War I and II, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, and more recently the 9-11 Twin Towers disaster, have prompted survivors to proclaim an annual solemn remembrance for those who perished in the tragic event, such as Decoration Day, and Memorial Day, among others. Sadly, as time rolls on, the significance of the cost in lives is forgotten as these annual observances are turned into thoughtless times of carousing and feasting. There are dates God's people should never forget, such as the day of their baptism (symbolizing the death of their carnal selves) and the Passover (signifying the reminder of Christ's blood, symbolized by the Passover Lamb), annually reminding them of their deliverance from sin and a renewal of the baptismal covenant. After Adam and Eve sinned and felt compelled to hide their nakedness with fig leaves, God provided them a vivid introduction to death, perhaps killing an animal in their presence to make protective skins for them to wear. Certainly, Adam and Eve could never forget for the rest of their lives, the dreadful consequences of their fatal decision to disobey God's commands. Jesus' introduction of the symbols of bread and wine to His disciples given at His last Passover as a human have not been forgotten by the disciples then and now, who have been observing this event annually, reminding them that the wages of sin is death and that the only way they can escape the earned death sentence is to remember the costly sacrifice He has made for them. We are obligated to annually recall Christ's sacrifice every Passover, never forgetting that we owe our eternal lives to what these symbols of bread and wine signify.

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