Sermon: Ask, Seek, Knock

More Than Just Prayer

Given 21-Oct-23; 81 minutes


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In 1899, Elbert Hubbard, frustrated with people's innate laziness and unwillingness to simply get the job done, wrote "A Message to Garcia," describing the dogged determination of the messenger to deliver a message, stiffening his vertebrae, acting promptly, concentrating his energies to get the job done. Our Lord and Savior commanded us to go the extra mile (Matthew 5:41), adding that to do the minimum makes us unprofitable servants. Civilization is searching for just such individuals who are willing to go the extra mile. In answer to the question, "How can a mere human being fulfill the difficult expectations of God?", Jesus instructs us to "Ask, seek, and knock" (Matthew 7:7-127, deceptively simple but difficult to practice as we peel off the layers of possible connotations. We do ourselves a disservice if we read it only at the surface level because so much insight and wisdom lie beneath the surface. We need to plunge into the depths with the assistance of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel47:3-6). Jesus urges us to ask, seek, and knock as a way of life, as a lifelong practice. Christ instructs us that by growing in faith and intimacy with God, we will learn to treat others with love, kindness, mercy, and grace, which will allow us to live in peace with all men (Matthew 7: 7-12).

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