Sermon: Idolatrous Suppressors of the Truth


Given 28-Oct-23; 58 minutes


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The apostle John, in one of his final epistles, addressing his clientele as an old man, having witnessed in his lifetime Christ's crucifixion, the persecution of the church, false teachers, and anti-Christs, sternly warned them about idols and idolatry because the recipients of this epistle years before had come out of idolatry, with stone and wooden images, as well as literal male and female temple prostitutes. His focus, though, was more on idols manufactured in the mind. Without God's Holy Spirit, an idol can be an idea, with one molding a concept of God into their own image. When John talks about idols, he is going far beyond things like statues, icons, and crucifixes, but instead anything people focus on first, placing Almighty God in second, third, or fourth place. The greatest commandment is to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves. To love ourselves more than God or our neighbor constitutes idolatry and spiritual adultery. Israel and Judah have both been charged with being prostitutes and religious nymphomaniacs, defiling their covenant with Almighty God. Today, the American people are worshipping the nefarious medical establishment (big Pharma, CDC, and WHO). The descendants of Jacob may boast of their trust in religion, but they do not trust or worship God, refusing to follow His holy and spiritual commandments. Jacob's offspring have always been rebellious and stiff necked, refusing to follow the path God has prepared for them. We must not yield to the pulls of Satan, the world, and our own flesh. Our loyalty should be exclusively to God, worshipping Him directly through His spirit and with humility.

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