Sermon: Four Warnings (Part Three): I Never Knew You


Given 13-Jan-24; 45 minutes


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The third warning which Jesus gave to His disciples, then and now, is to beware of hypocrisy, professing to obey the law, but habitually practicing lawlessness. Profession without obedience sadly describes the practice of the Protestant grace and no works doctrine. Jesus is the ultimate judge of all humanity, having been given the responsibility from the Father because of having the unique point of view of a spiritual being and a human being. The task of creating, sustaining, providing for the creation, healing, and resurrecting the dead from the grave are shared jointly by Father and Son—both have the same goal and character. Jesus is the perfect One to take on the role of judge, knowing the Father's side and humanity's side, tempted, but able to overcome every problem that humans have, without sin. Believing in Christ or professing love for Christ cannot be separated from doing what He and his Father says. When Christ judges, it is exclusively based upon the Father's will. Mere profession of believing in God is not enough to enter His Kingdom. Calling Jesus Lord is merely the first step. Those who profess and do nothing else are unfinished products that are cast into the fire. Sadly, antinomian Protestants take proof texts such as Roman 10:9 and Acts 4:12, ripping them out of context, ignoring the whole counsel of God. Following God's will be equivalent to doing His word. Preaching exorcism or guessing right on a prophetic point does not indicate true conversion, but rather repentance, loving God, and serving others. The proof of discipleship is a firm relationship of God. Sadly, most mainstream professing Christians denigrate God's law, behaving as there is no law to bind them except their own notions of right and wrong, thinking God has delivered them from the law.

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