Sermon: A Hidden Mystery in God!


Given 30-Mar-24; 64 minutes


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The world we live in is plagued by unsolvable social, political, economic, and health problems caused by lack of fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Sadly, most of the world is under the sway of Satan the devil or the Prince of the Power of the Air. Thankfully, those God has called are saved from the foolishness of the world's politics, realizing that the source of only true happiness and peace results from fellowship with God. Before anyone can have fellowship before God, the obstacle of sin must be eliminated, which is a permanent barrier between us and God. The first step in removing the obstacle of sin is propitiation, or sacrificial atonement or appeasement, altering the whole relationship with God through a perfect sacrifice from Christ, allowing God to pass over the deserved wrath from past sins, made possible only by submitting to God and His laws. By emulating Christ's example, following His laws, we develop a mirror-likeness, having Jesus Christ's mind guiding our behavior through the power of the gift of God's Holy Spirit. Though justification cleanses us from the penalty of our past sins, sanctification (a rigorous process of dealing with our propensity to sin with the power of God's Holy Spirit) requires a deliberative choice on our part, to love the same things God does, and hate the same things God does, with the power of God's spirit to walk in the light.

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