Feast: Strategies for Interfacing with Babylon without Becoming Assimilated (Part Four)
Embracing the Weekly and Millennial Sabbath
David F. Maas
Given 21-Oct-24; 60 minutes
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Tragically, according to Lifeway Research, over 77% of the world's Christian professing churches have chosen the venerable day of the sun as their day of rest, obviously rejecting the day God hallowed from creation, while most of the professing Sabbatarians (5% of the total mix) have also discarded the annual Sabbaths and holy days identified in Leviticus 23 in what we have come to know as God's masterplan for the future of which most of the inhabitants of the world are in total ignorance. Consequently, we cannot ever expect that seventh day Sabbath keepers will be in the majority any time in our lifetime until the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ when we, as His resurrected glorified saints, will begin to teach our clients in the Millennial Sabbath how to properly keep the weekly seventh day Sabbath and the annual Sabbaths outlining the master plan of Almighty God. When the Roman Catholic and her Protestant daughters rejected the seventh day Sabbath, the day on which Almighty God regularly instructs His chosen saints how to keep his holy law in spirit and truth, they began to lose insight on all the rest of God's laws. After the test commandment was denigrated and destroyed, predictably and automatically all the rest of the ten commandments have been systematically polluted and defiled as God gave them over to a reprobate mind for despising His laws (referring to Romans 1:28).
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