Sermon: Lessons From Saul and David
Ted E. Bowling
Given 09-Nov-24; 39 minutes
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After our foolish forebears in I Samuel rejected God's leadership, preferring having a king rule over them like all the other gentile nations, God had already prepared for their tragic misstep, providing specific instructions as to how a king was to be chosen (Deuteronomy 17:14-17). God chose both Saul and David, the first complying with the people's choice (judging by outward appearance and stature), the second by judging inwardly, sizing up the heart rather than the physique. Both David and Saul had positive and negative traits. Saul began as humble but became more arrogant as he had successful military victories. Saul, though, had problems of fear because he trusted in his own resources rather than trusting in God. His pride and presumption took over, caused by his lack of trust in God. Samuel had to instruct Saul that God values obedience over sacrifice, something which David, a man after God's own heart, knew instinctively. Both Saul and David sinned grievously, with David committing adultery and murdering his lover's spouse. But David, when Samuel pointed out his sins, was metaphorically hit by a ton of bricks, driving him to sincerely repent (Psalm 51), realizing that obedience is more desirable than sacrifice. Furthermore, David begged God not to take His Holy Spirit away as well as requesting a new heart, something Saul had neglected to do when confronted by Samuel. David instructed his son Solomon to put God and His commandments ahead of everything else. Both Saul and David had served God as well as committed grievous sins, but David found favor with God because his heart was fixed on pleasing God, while Saul became more of a people pleaser. David's heart was fixed upon pleasing and serving God from the beginning, ensuring the genuineness and sincerity of his repentance.
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