Commentary: Suppressed Archaeology (Part Three)
The Decalogue Stone
Martin G. Collins
Given 15-Aug-15; 11 minutes
description: (hide) Semitic peoples were living on what was to be called the American Continent over 2,000 years before Columbus set foot in the western hemisphere. This presents a nightmare to evolutionists and progressive humanists, who are seeing their lies dissolve amongst a continent-wide plethora of ancient Semitic artifacts. Archeologists have discovered that copper mines on what became the Michigan Peninsula were mined to exhaustion in circa 1000 BC by peoples who later used the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet. A Decalogue Stone was uncovered from a gravemound near Newark, Ohio, evidently there from the time the Jews went into captivity. Although the discoverer of this artifact was intimidated by those clinging to the Columbian agenda, thousands of other artifacts, including ancient Jewish coins, have subsequently been unearthed substantiating Wyrick's discovery and discrediting vicious evolutionist attacks.
In the public government schools, our children are taught that nothing but ignorant, primitive savages occupied the Americas prior to Christopher Columbus claim that he had discovered Asia’s eastern outskirts and Amerigo Vespucci’s later arrival in the early 16th century in the area of Brazil and the West Indies, calling it part of the New World.
There is an unraveling of the lies, which are being exposed in this modern society today in all areas of life, whether it’s in economics or education, sports or entertainment, religion or archaeology. The banks, the Fed, and the stock market have been caught in manipulating those areas of business and finance. Football players caught fixing games, and media attacks on God’s inspired written Word. It appears that God is exposing the lies of the world and its people.
Many younger historians and archaeologists of colleges and universities are beginning to question the status quo. They suspect that a very large piece of the past American pie has mysteriously vanished from our public records. They can’t deny the rising record of puzzling ancient inscriptions now being reported from nearly all parts of the United States, Canada, and Latin America. Obviously, there is more to “America’s” past than the propaganda taught to innocent, impressionable minds beginning at age 5 in school.
Let me ask you a rhetorical question. How could primitive ancients have been able to traverse the vast seas? Abundant evidence indicates that mankind was vastly more advanced in 1000 BC than in AD 1000.
The Bible is especially disliked by evolutionists because it is what historians, epigraphers and archaeologists call a "diffusionist" book from ancient times (i.e., biblical accounts attest to transoceanic voyages across continents whereby mankind "diffused" knowledge and contacts throughout the globe).
I Kings 10:22 asserts that Solomon's fleets embarked on voyages which lasted three years before they returned to Israel with wildlife from other continents. I Kings 9:27 and II Chronicles 8:17-18 record that Solomon's navy was privy to all the navigational knowledge which the globe-trotting Phoenicians of Tyre and Sidon possessed.
I Kings 9:27 records that King Hiram's sailors and Solomon's sailors jointly crewed the ships of the Phoenician/Israelite fleets so there was nothing the Phoenician mariners knew which wasn't also known to the Israelite mariners.
The presence of Phoenician/Hebrew inscriptions in North America and all over the globe is evidence that Solomon's fleets literally explored the globe during his reign. There are many more evidences of Israelite presence in North America than the Los Lunas artifact that I referred to in my last commentary. The Phoenicians, for example, constructed special large ships simply to haul raw materials. It is known by mining engineers that the copper mines in the Lake Superior region were worked to exhaustion after centuries of excavating. This coincides with about 1000 BC, the time when King David was massing raw materials for the eventual Temple which Solomon would build.
Engineering sources also confirm that some 5,000 copper mines were in operation (by the “Old Copper Culture”) on or near what is known as the Copper Peninsula in the north Michigan and the Lake Superior region. But it is a fact that this copper was not used in ancient North America because evidence of it has not been found. So, it had to be exported to some other continent by someone.
II Chronicles 22:14 is one of the scriptures which tell us that David had the desire and the means to bring that copper to Israel via Phoenician fleets where he amassed copper-based brass materials for the temple "beyond measuring." The Israelites did not mine all that copper in Israel because hardly an copper exists in Israel.
So, we have a biblically confirmed record that the Israelites had a need to locate and import large amounts of copper and iron from all over the earth at the very time when copper mines in North America were being worked to exhaustion.
An ancient tablet, known as “The Decalogue Stone,” a Paleo-Hebrew version of the Old Testament’s Ten Commandments, was found in Newark, Ohio when a huge cairn (or grave mound) was excavated in AD 1860. This tablet is from a time after the Jews went into captivity and before Christ walked the earth.
Just a brief note about the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, which was used on the Decalogue Stone and is often found in archaeology. It is a variant of the Phoenician alphabet. Like the Phoenician alphabet, the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters, all of which are consonants. Archeological evidence of the use of the script by the Israelites for writing the Hebrew language dates to around the 10th century BC. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet began to fall out of use by the Jews in the 5th century BC when the Aramaic alphabet was adopted as the predominant writing system for Hebrew, from which the present Jewish "square-script" Hebrew alphabet evolved.
The Decalogue Stone is a portable inscribed tablet with a handle which would accommodate a carrying strap. Interestingly, it had an image of Moses on it. It fits comfortably in one's hand.
The Ten Commandments begin at the front, at the top of an arch above the figure of a robed, bearded man wearing a turban and holding a tablet. Above him reads the name “Moses.” The engraved text runs down the left side and continues around all sides, making its way back to the front and up the right side, where the inscription began.
A second related object was found near the Newark Octagon earthworks. The so-called “Keystone,” covered on all sides with more Paleo-Hebrew, reads (respectively), “Holy of Holies,” “King of the Earth,” “The Law of God” and “The Word of God.”
David Wyrick, who unearthed both objects, was a professional surveyor by trade. He was accused of forging and planting them as part of a hoax to support claims for the Lost Tribes of Israel in prehistoric America. Keep in mind, this was in the 1800s. His unmerciful critics literally drove him to suicide, after which local banker David M. Johnson and physician Dr. Nathaniel Roe Bradner uncovered yet another Paleo-Hebrew tablet in the immediate vicinity of the same Newark cairn. The Johnson-Bradner Stone has since been lost, but Wyrick’s Decalogue Stone is still on display at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, in Coshocton, Ohio.
The chief skeptical objection to these was an untypical style in which the text was composed on the Decalogue, suggesting it had been faked by someone with an imperfect knowledge of post-exilic Hebrew (that is, as it was written after the Jews’ last “Babylonian captivity” of 586 BC).
More than 80 years following the discovery of the “Newark Holy Stones,” however, archaeologists uncovered a hitherto-unknown linguistic form, since referred to as “box Hebrew.” It identically matched the Ohio Decalogue inscription, thereby confirming its ancient provenance to BC.
The Decalogue Stone cannot date to Solomon's time since it is inscribed in the square (or “box”) Hebrew style, which did not come into use until after the fall of Israel's and Judah's kingdoms. It was not possible for it to be a recently made forgery, and it was found with other Semitic inscriptions in the burial mound. It may be that a Phoenician/Israelite mining colony survived in ancient North America after the fall of Israel and Judah and was sustained via Phoenician ships afterward for a time.
Ancient Jewish coins dating to the 2nd century AD were found in America not too far from the burial mound where the Decalogue tablet was found, indicating that Hebrew-speaking colonists or refugees periodically fled to the New World at various times in ancient history.
What is clear from the Decalogue tablet is that it dates to many centuries before Columbus. It had been in the burial mound for many centuries before Columbus ever came to America.
So the evidence is clear that Israelites were coming to the North American continent at various times for more than a thousand years before “Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”