Commentary: Suppressed Archaeology (Part Two)

The Los Lunas Inscription

Given 11-Jul-15; 12 minutes


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Many members of the archeological community suppress evidence of any Western Hemispheric explorations before Columbus, especially evidence to corroborate the existence of any Semitic settlement in what eventually became the American Southwest nearly 3000 years ago. The Las Lunas New Mexico Decalogue Inscription is actually an abridged version of the Ten Commandments carved into a flat boulder by a clan of commandment-keeping Semitic peoples thousands of years before Columbus set foot in the Western Hemisphere. These discoveries are a perpetual source of embarrassment for the secular progressive, anti-God humanists who mistakenly think they are the 'gate-keepers' of scientific knowledge. The very stones of the earth cry out against these pseudo-scientists who profess themselves to be wise, but in reality they are hopelessly debased fools given over to reprobate minds for refusing to acknowledge even the possibility of a sovereign Creator. Well did Paul speak of these as folk who have left God out of their knowledge.


The scientific/educational establishment in America is dominated by those who “. . . professing to be wise became as fools”; who always deny anything and everything supportive of the Bible. They are scoffers and deniers regarding all biblical matters. This is particularly true regarding archaeology.

Just west of Los Lunas, New Mexico at the base of Mystery Mountain (also called Hidden Mountain) is an area that America's ancient Indians called the "Cliff of the Strange Writings." There you find what has been called the ‘Commandment Stone’ or the ‘Inscription rock’ or the ‘Los Lunas Inscription’.

The strange, chiseled characters on this volcanic basalt rock were undecipherable by America's early European settlers and to the native Indians. The residents had been made aware by the Indians of the unusual inscription as early as the year AD 1800.

What is so interesting about this rock? The rock preserves an abbreviated form of the Ten Commandments as written in Exodus 20, which (to say the least) is very exciting, but what makes this stone an enigma is the fact that the writing is clearly Semitic in origin. The ancient Hebrew inscriptions were once thought to be a combination of Greek, Hebrew and Phoenician characters, but now are clearly seen as a form of Hebrew writing dating to approximately 1000 B.C.!

The Greeks "borrowed" from the Phonetic alphabet so the characters would be familiar. The Hebrews and the Phoenicians were neighbors which, in their trading environment, shared the same language and alphabet. The style of the characters is strikingly similar, almost identical to that used on the Moabite Stone in the days of the Israelite kings Omri and Ahab. The Moab stone was engraved by captive Israelites for the Moabite king, Mescha, as per its own inscription.

After examining the Los Lunas site, geologist George Morehouse estimated the placement of this Decalogue inscription up to 3000 years ago, which would date it around 1000 BC Over two thousand years before Columbus supposedly "discovered" America, there were people of Semitic origin in New Mexico worshipping the God of Israel. How can this possibly be reconciled with known history?

It is likely that the financial backing to launch a Hebrew-Phoenician voyage of world exploration could have readily occurred during the reign of King Solomon of Israel. Solomon worshipped the true God of Israel and had the means to fund explorative voyages to other lands.

I Kings 9:26-28 tells us:

I Kings 9:26-28 King Solomon also built a fleet of ships at Ezion Geber, which is near Elath on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom. Then Hiram sent his servants with the fleet, seamen who knew the sea, to work with the servants of Solomon. And they went to Ophir, and acquired four hundred and twenty talents of gold from there, and brought it to King Solomon.

You may remember Mike Ford's sermonette ["King Solomon's Mines"] on Ophir, and how he talked about it possibly being in North America.

With Solomon's main port being located on the Red Sea, it would be difficult for his fleet to have entered North America through the Atlantic drainage. Tarshish, however, had access to the Atlantic. The reign of Solomon was enveloping the entire world. Israel's close neighbor, Phoenicia, and their expert navigators were working with the servants of Solomon from both countries’ ports. The ships of Tarshish sailed extremely long voyages to bring back all kinds of raw materials and useful and unique items (e.g., copper and other ores, flora and fauna samples, and "exotic" animals).

II Chronicles 9:21 says,

II Chronicles 9:21 For the king's ships [i.e., King Solomon’s fleet] went to Tarshish with the servants of Hiram. Once every three years the merchant ships came, bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and monkeys.

It would help explain the need of three-year journeys if the seamen had to cross the ocean to come to these far off locales in North America. There is evidence that North America was called New Egypt at the time of Joseph and later. But that story is for another day. The fact that the trading ships of Phoenicia did have docks in ancient America can be proved from inscriptions they left behind in other parts of America as well.

The Los Lunas site is located along the Puerco River, which is a tributary of the Rio Grande River. The Rio Grande is in the Atlantic drainage. It would have been entirely possible for the Hebrew-Phoenician sailors to access the area of the stone. Also found in the area at that time were huge bodies of water, almost as big as the Great Lakes, that could handle a huge ship easily, but they have dried up since.

We must realize that in Western society our history was written by the Greeks (and Romans) and is told entirely from their self-glorifying viewpoint, which often tends to omit other nations’ contributions to the world. It is common knowledge that Columbus did not discover America. Yet the lie is still taught in U.S. government schools as propaganda to support the politically correct agenda of anti-Semitic and anti-God antagonists.

Archaeology proves that there were ancient peoples (some with Semitic features) already living in America for centuries before Columbus crossed the Atlantic.

Why is it that some of the words and alphabet characters of these ancients also resemble Hebrew? How is it that some of the same pagan gods and symbols were worshipped on both ends of the earth simultaneously? And is there any other explanation why the commandments of the God of Israel would be written in the middle of the North American continent in Hebrew characters?

Epigraphy is basically the study of inscriptions, or epigraphs, as writing.

The Los Lunas inscription has been translated by the Epigraphic Society as follows:

I (am) JHWH Eloah [meaning, "the Eternal your God"] who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim [Mizraim or "the two Egypts"] out of the house of bondages. You shall not have other gods in place of (me). You shall not make for yourself molded idols. You shall not lift up your voice to connect the name of JHWH in hate. Remember you (the) Sabbath to make it holy. Honor your father and your mother to make long your existence upon the land which JHWH Eloah gave to you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear witness against your neighbor, testimony for a bribe. You shall not covet (the) wife of your neighbor and all which belongs to your neighbor.

The Los Lunas Commandment Stone is one of several proofs that exists in America that some of the ancient of Israelites, including both the worshippers of the false gods such as Baal and of the True Eternal God, walked on this continent long before Columbus or any of the 14th century European explorers. It is also another proof that biblical history is accurate. You can believe your Bible.

Unlike the "new" world kingdoms which come into power, biasedly using their victorious opportunity to re-write history to glorify themselves and erase all knowledge of the greatness of those who came before them, the Bible, and the history of Israel that it contains, is refreshingly honest in its history of physical and spiritual battles won and lost. It doesn’t cover up Israel's mistakes or flaws and captivities.

God's word is truth; secular history's word is deceitful. It’s obvious that the writers of world history knew of these ancient travelers but neglected to tell the true story of history from a neutral standpoint.

In principle, we may apply the words of Joshua to the Los Lunas Inscription. Those ancient Israelites in America about 3,000 years ago obviously did not take Joshua’s warning to heart.

Joshua 24:27 says,

Joshua 24:27 And Joshua said to all the people, "Behold, this stone shall be a witness to us, for it has heard all the words of the Lord which He spoke to us. It shall therefore be a witness to you, lest you deny your God."

It is safe to conclude that most of those ancient Israelites eventually denied their God. The result has been the same down through the ages: destruction and captivity of the people.

If the history of the world were to continue for hundreds of years, would this be what happens to the peoples of the U.S? Would we become unknown people, lost tribes, forgotten conquerors?

Sadly, we are already seeing the results of this denial of God today in our own communities and nation. We have already moved into the end-time era of this eraser of our identity as a nation.

The Los Lunas site is unmarked and is not logged as an "official" archeological site by mainstream science, and for good reason. They disregard the site because of its power to expose their deceit.

Not only are the Ten Commandments inscribed on this flat rock slab near the base of the mountain, but the paleo-Hebrew Tetragrammaton is inscribed into a summit rock. That inscription is translated, "YHVH is our mighty one." This our nation is denying today.

How easily they forgot the Lord their God! Thankfully, God promises that He will save Israel eventually, once they stop denying Him.


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