Playlist: Suppressed Archaeology (commentary series)


Suppressed Archaeology (Part One)

Archaeological Cover-ups

Several groups have questioned the bias of the Smithsonian Institute for suppressing records of pre-Columbus exploration and inhabiting of North America.

Suppressed Archaeology (Part Two)

The Los Lunas Inscription

Many members of the archeological community suppress evidence of any Western Hemispheric explorations before Columbus, especially evidence of Semitic settlement.

Suppressed Archaeology (Part Three)

The Decalogue Stone

Semitic peoples were living on what was to be called the American Continent over 2,000 years before Columbus set foot in the western hemisphere.

Suppressed Archaeology (Part Four)

The Bat Creek Stone Inscription

There has been a systematic denigrating of evidence of pre-Columbian migration from the Old World to the western hemisphere, particularly North America.

Suppressed Archaeology (Part Five)

A.D. Artifacts

Hebrew priestly garments have been preserved in the Navajo and Apache culture, and menorahs and shekels have been found in Arizona, Michigan, Kentucky, and New York.

Suppressed Archaeology (Part Six)

B.C. North American Archaeology

The truly exciting history of America's pre-Columbian past has been withheld by gatekeepers of academia who go to great lengths to maintain their denials.