Commentary: Do Americans Really Care? (Part Two)


Given 18-Jun-16; 9 minutes


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The United States is no longer a representative democracy, but has become an oligarchy, ruled as we are by a gang of unprincipled thugs who over the past several decades have turned us into a nation of helpless serfs. The "major transformation" of this country has made Americans slaves in their own household, piling up debtor status and bondage to foreign powers for years to come—unless there is a revolution. The vast majority of the citizenry have been dumbed-down by a half-century of leftist, progressive education, eradicating God from the minds of most people. There is a segment of the populace which understands what is going on, but feels utterly hopeless when contemplating the infectious stupidity of a sizable part of our brainwashed public. Only God's called-out ones, blessed with the gift of His Holy Spirit are able to connect the dots. We know that Satan is no figment of the imagination, but is actively influencing world leaders to carry out his nefarious plan to destroy mankind, preventing individuals from fulfilling the destiny God has planned for mankind. Unless God Almighty intervenes, mankind is doomed at the hands of the current derelict 'shepherds' of Israel. Many Americans may care what is happening to their country and their culture, but are hamstrung because they do not have the vital links to truth which God's called out ones have been given. Despite their alarm and concern, they cannot connect the dots. If we, as God's called ones, use the precious tools God has given us, we can be set free from slavery and serfdom.


This commentary is the second of this series regarding whether Americans really care about what is happening regarding America’s overall morality decline, combined with what is also happening at the same time politically.

My own personal belief is that they do care. But there is also a major problem even in that thought. It is that the numbers of those who care are far, far too few, and at this time there is no central leadership to focus people’s attention in one particular direction, and that there is too little truth around which to rally, and—this one concerns people like me—those who do care might be too old to really do much about it.

Last week I gave you two examples of national leaders who both reached similar conclusions regarding the state of our national government but described it differently. These two men are miles apart politically. Mr. Jimmy Carter believes we are now governed by an elite oligarchy. Paul Craig Roberts believes the American people are already a nation of serfs. We have already been defeated, in other words.

I defined serf for you last week. These are people who, while not behind bars as in a prison, are nonetheless bound within an estate firmly under the control of the government with nowhere to turn for relief.

Mr. Roberts believes there is one alternative: revolution. I believe that will never happen because the American people have been artfully and almost invisibly prepared mentally for this time. So artfully prepared, the overwhelming majority of them aren’t even aware anything is wrong with this nation morally and politically. This is because they have been educated to believe this is normal and it is acceptable to them. It is acceptable to them because they have no standards and quality of life to better compare what we are now living through against.

Upon Mr. Obama’s election in 2012, he publicly announced that America was going to undergo a radical transformation. That is pretty bold. This announcement didn’t go unnoticed, and it did cause some concern. At the same time, it didn’t generate anywhere near the concern it should have. But in hindsight, what this announcement actually clearly revealed is that that those transforming America were ready to make their aims clear to the public—and boy, have we gone through it in these last four years.

I believe those of us in the church of God are in a unique position to grasp what is going on and has been going on for several generations within the body of the Israelitish people. This insight is given us so we can make good use of it.

During my Pentecost sermon ["His Eye Is on the Sparrow (Part Five)"], I covered what God, by His grace, gives us that triggers our sanctification and gives us insight into what is going on and where it is headed. Without this gift, we would be just like everybody else.

Salvation is by grace through faith. Additionally, the Bible makes very clear that God gives us faith to get us started, even to believing that Jesus is the Christ, and to keep us moving in the right direction, obedient to His way. What I am listing is some of the insights He has given to us. We have in our possession some key tools that believing faith gives us, powerful insights we can use if we will exercise ourselves to use them. The first and most important is we believe in God and His Word. Never forget, truths set free.

We know and believe God’s Word, and that God’s moral and spiritual laws are not “done away.” We aren’t serfs. We know who the Israelitish people are and we know where they are located. We know these are the people God is working through. They aren’t better than others. What matters is God’s choice of working through them—that is a tremendous advantage. And Ephesians 1 adds to this that God has revealed His will to the church. Those things I have already given to you are a major advantage we have over others. Even the little we know is a great advantage.

We know some prophecy; therefore, we know some of what to expect. We know and believe there is a Satan. He is no figment of our imagination on whom we blame everything that goes wrong. No, he isn’t; he is God’s enemy; he is our enemy; and he leads this world against God and His purpose. He is an evil, conspiring demon who is also a genius at what he does.

Through his conspiring, he lured one third of the angels away from loyalty to God—this is incredible to me—who could literally see God, which gives us some insight into the truth that unless God intervenes in our lives we don’t even begin to stand a chance against Satan.

The people in the world are his victims, but they aren’t innocent. God has already judged that they are without excuse because God has already provided enough truth to them that they should, at the very least, do better than they are.

We need to ask ourselves: How much truth can He hold against us that we have to use of because of His gifts but are not using, even as we see the Israelitish nations crash in a morass of immorality?

The title of this commentary is, "Do Americans Really Care?" The answer is that, yes, actually very many of them do, but they are at the same time hamstrung in a major way because they don’t have vital links to truth we have been given. We have been given them for a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God in spite of what is going on.

The result for them is that despite their concern they can’t correctly connect the dots.


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