Commentary: Do Americans Really Care? (Part Three)


Given 02-Jul-16; 10 minutes


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Those who really care about what is happening to this country are too few to make any difference, and the gullible youth from college down to Kindergarten have been schooled for decades on the poisonous 'progressive,' humanist secular education that has expunged any knowledge of God from their consciousness. Satan has planned this subversion for centuries, influencing the thoughts of philosophers who have left their imprint in education. Even the Ivy League schools (Harvard, Princeton, and Yale) ostensibly started as Puritan theological schools, abandoned their religious moorings soon after their founding. For those of us alive in these years, we must have God in our focus before we can perceive what is going on. The rest of the populace is floundering because clearly neither God nor His laws are in their minds. God's called-out ones have a mandate to know what is going on in society and how it relates to the future.


Last week I stated that I believe that Americans do care about what is happening in regard to the plummeting drops in a statistical analysis of our overall morality, while at the same time the nation is also in a divided condition politically. Together, those two factors make a disturbing reality to deal with especially concerning the future. I also mentioned four factors as to why those who do care will do little or nothing about what is happening. Thus, the decline will continue intensifying.

First is that those who do seem to care are too few in number to do anything effective, because politically this nation accomplishes change through voting. Numbers count and that is why surveys are almost constantly being taken. People want to know the drift of trends. The reality is that those who do care have nowhere near enough numbers to swing any national election. That is why Paul Craig Roberts concluded the only solution he sees is a bloody revolution.

A second factor is the ages of those in the “do care” group is overwhelmingly on the old side. I have no figures as to their median age, but it is my personal opinion that they are 55 and above. These people have money but they do not have the energy of youth.

Are you aware that revolutionary movements are historically driven by young people of college age up to about age 45-50, with the elderly being but a tiny portion of the whole? That is the age bracket of those who led the American Revolution in the 1770s. Thomas Jefferson, for example, was only 33 years old when he produced the core of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams, another driving force, was only seven years older.

The enthusiasms carried by the energetic but inexperienced young, who are largely driven by emotion rather than truly informed reasoning, tend not to focus on the odds against them. Wisdom is not associated with youth in the Bible. Youth tends to heedlessly barrel on against barriers; the elderly are more cautious.

A third reason I gave is that there is no central leader to spearhead a movement. This is a difficult characteristic to quantify and is largely a personal observation. But I believe the history of this nation shows this to be a typically Israelitish American characteristic. We are always, it seems, on the move somewhere else where they have greater freedom of movement and independence. Americans are almost obsessed with desiring to be just left alone to live out their lives in peace, not pressured by others. Americans are not typically joiners of causes nor among those who by nature tend to crowd into cities. This characteristic is a major reason why Americans tend to be divided.

A fourth reason is the strongest reason why I believe that even though there is a minority who do care, the majority of people who might participate will do nothing. This is because we Americans have been clandestinely, sneakily educated to do nothing to change what is now the status quo. The enemy wisely moved to eliminate any resistance before any actually built. Therefore, the result is that the status quo we are now living in is so firmly entrenched by the enemy in the American mind that nothing substantial that truly affects quality of living standards will change except for God’s personal intervention.

The American and British public has been thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly, mis-educated not to look to God for His leadership. Who is the enemy? Perhaps it would be more realistic to say, “Who are the enemies?” (plural) because they are so many.

It is my hope that I have been clear enough in my teaching in these commentaries that those of us in the church perceive what is going on around us as if looking at what is happening through the eyes of God, and thus that is where our hopes lie. And therefore this perception is what motivates us to do what we do. In order for us to have a correct direction for our life, we must see things through God’s eyes as much as we can. A godly worldview is what the average American most certainly does not have.

I gave those ever-so-brief commentaries on the philosophers ["Mightier Than the Sword"] to first show you how long Satan has been artfully preparing for our generation living right now. I went all the way back to the 1200s AD when men began establishing universities. Universities are those institutions in which human leadership is prepared to serve mankind. However, Satan made sure the universities, though usually established by religious groups, soon fell before his spiritual assaults and came under his influence. It was less than 20 years after Harvard was founded that Satan had it under his control and they started kicking the church out of the university. That is just one example. The same thing happened to Yale. Same thing happened to Cornell, the University of Pennsylvania, and so forth.

I gave you ever-so-brief, century-by-century reports how that discipline after discipline, such as government, science, marriage and family, economics and education itself, fell before the anti-God persuasions of the philosophers under the control of Satan into rank secularism. So thorough is the saturation of secularism in our educational system, entertainment, in novels and media, that the U.S. did what all anti-God governments do by forcing anti-God teaching all the way down now into the kindergarten level in government schools.

The result is the children, by the time they are adults, are so loaded with lies, thinking what they have in their minds are true values, they cannot make a sound judgments as to what is right and wrong for this nation. Spiritually and morally, they are almost without true values because they cannot set their conduct by God's standards because they simply are not in their minds.


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