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Commencement 2007
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughYour modern, cutting-edge, progressive education is not really worth all that much over the long haul. Your education has not prepared you for life.
What's in the Bucket? (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The last three American generations have had their minds poisoned, such that they unquestioningly embrace socialism and deviant lifestyles as the norm.
What Is the Pope Up To?
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughWhat was Pope Benedict XVI up to when he spoke of the historic Islamic practice of conversion at the edge of a sword?
Divided We Fall
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe social indicators are not improving as a whole, and as each year goes by, behaviors that were once thought beyond the pale are accepted into the mainstream.
How Did Europe Get This Way?
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeThe Europe of the past few decades has honestly earned the label of 'that vast plain of irreligion.' Ironically, religion caused its secularization.
The Remaking of America
Commentary by Mark SchindlerA new wave of billionaires, having rejected the conservative values of their elders, embrace multiculturalism, homosexuality, climate change and collectivism.
Liberal Haters of God
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerTo secularists, faith in the unseen God is incomprehensible and irrational. They view it as divisive to the coherence of society, as well as destructive.
Persecution From the Nones?
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)From 1950 to the present, the secular progressives called the Nones have risen from 3% to 20% of the population. This group has a Leftist political ideology.
The 'Nones' One More Time
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The Americans who check 'None' when asked about religious affiliation have swarmed onto the American body politic, inflicting harmful, progressive thought.
Contemporary Primitivism
CGG WeeklyTechnology merely indicates material development, whitewashing over a culture's moral, ethical, or spiritual state with shiny displays and distractions.
A Christian Nation?
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughA new atheistic force is arising, and it is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization.
The Coming Anglo-American Crisis
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe nation cannot continue as it is. The questions that remain are: How long do we have? How bad is it going to get? What will our nation look like afterward?
Do Americans Really Care? (Part Three)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Those who really care about what is happening to this country are too few to make any difference, and the youth have been schooled without reference to God.
In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The past 70 years has seen a systematic undermining of morality by humanists, and a bizarre redefinition as to what constitutes normal and abnormal.
Today's Brand of Tolerance
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)'Tolerance,' as used by progressives, does not reflect real tolerance at all, but instead an adamant hatred of anything associated with God and His words.
How Did We Get This Way?
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSecularism, founded on the philosophical underpinnings of Rousseau, is, in effect, the official state religion for the majority of our nation.
Mightier Than The Sword (Part Twenty-Three)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Advancing secularism has been the result of Satan's work through human henchmen over the last 600 years, bringing the world back to the time of the Nephilim.
Can Heart and Mind Be Separate?
CGG Weekly'Tis the season of much debate over a perennial topic, the separation of church and state. It reaches a boiling point in the cold season of Christmas.
America's Cosmopolitan Elites
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerThe profile of a "cosmocrat" includes his open-armed embrace of tolerance, diversity, inclusiveness, and universalism. He seeks to be all things to all people.
What 'The Bible and Its Influence' Will Teach
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe liberal media and National Education Association strive to banish every hint of Christianity from public school. Surprisingly, one 'Bible class' is allowed.
Do-Gooders in Charge
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe argument should not be over whether parents want their children to be safe, but whether parents are ultimately responsible for their own children's safety.
Has America Gone Crazy? (Part Two)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The word 'crazy' comes from the image of an object full of cracks. It implies that a crazy person is so untrustworthy that he must be handled with caution.
America's Imminent Perfect Storm
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughIs there a leader in the wings who will have the fortitude to face the coming crisis? Perhaps there is, though it appears that he has not shown his face in public.
Mightier Than the Sword (Part Two)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Apostate philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas sought to elevate human reason above the knowledge of God, compartmentalizing secular from sacred knowledge.
Is Education the Answer? (Part 2)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Education is the answer to life's problems, but only if it is founded on godly knowledge. Modern conveniences do not always make our lives better.
Immigration and the Kingdom of God
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. GrabbeUnlike Europe and the United States, God ensures that all His potential citizens will conform to His culture.
Countering the Culture
Article by StaffThere is no doubt that America's culture is plunging to depths many of us never imagined. Here are five steps to mitigate its influence on our lives.
Leaving Religion Behind
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughMore Millennials identify themselves as non-religious and show no indication of embracing religion in the foreseeable future.
The Whole World is Writhing
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Wherever secularism has gained ascendancy, it has attempted to bully and harass the religious elements of society by the tyranny of political correctness.
Two Different Perspectives
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)While more people consider themselves spiritual, fewer are religious. They are less sure about what they really believe and more tolerant of other beliefs.
Birthrates in Decline
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughStatistics show that the birth rate for the Western nations has dropped below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman, sometimes significantly so.
The Importance of God's Word
Commentary by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)II Thessalonians 2:6-7 speaks of a force capable of restraining the emergence of the man of lawlessness. God's word and revelation is what restrains iniquity.
Conspiracy Theory (Part Ten)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Satan has been using advances in technology to advance his agenda to neutralize religious liberty, replacing it with a 'progressive', humanistic agenda.
Today's Christianity (Part Two): Southern Christianity Moves North
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerContrary to the intention to marginalize Christianity through the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, it instead gave rise to a new strain of conservative Christianity.
Proselytism Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Part Two)
Article by Charles WhitakerThough proselytism has a poor reputation now, a time is coming when it will be used properly to bring this world peace and prosperity.
An Islamist Vision
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeThe Gulen Movement is a shadowy Islamic sect and political organization whose aim is to overthrow secularism and return Turkey to its Islamic roots.
We Are the Enemy
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughRidicule of Christians and the biblical teachings they believe is on the rise. Christianity is under attack, putting those who believe the Bible in the crosshairs.
The Philosophy of Black Friday
Sermonette by Richard T. RitenbaughBlack Friday stirs up greedy, materialistic, covetous attitudes. When a nation reaches a materialistic mindset, it is on its way to oblivion.

What Restrains the Man of Sin?
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerII Thessalonians 2 speaks about a force restraining the man of sin, the lawless man. Such a leader cannot rise and dominate in a law-abiding culture.

A Crisis of Ignorance
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughIn our society, learned knowledge — including knowledge of God — is declining, and that spells certain trouble both nationally and spiritually.
The Nones and the True Believers
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The Nones are responsible for the revolution taking place in this country, having been immersed in the anti-God, 'progressive', educational institutions.
Jesus, Paul, and the Christian Right
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughWhat did Jesus and Paul do politically and/or socially to change people's lives in their times? The answer to that question is 'nothing.'

The Changing Face of Mainstream Christianity
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaitySome basic tenets of mainstream Christian churches in the United States are markedly different from what they were just a few decades ago in critical areas.
Leadership and Covenants (Part Six)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughDespite having served mankind well for millennia, marriage is crumbling under a three-pronged attack. Marriage is vital to understanding God's purpose.
Putting It In Perspective
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeCatholic clergy have been the target of the media, yet Protestant ministers actually have a higher rate of sexual abuse. The rate is even higher among teachers.

Leaving Christianity Behind
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughMillennials are changing the face of the nation, transforming society on both public and private matters and rejecting Christianity for humanist values.
Another Mark of the Beast
Commentary by David F. MaasBig Tech is creating a new mode of governance through which data analytics are used to create algorithms that decide rewards and punishment for targeted behaviors.
Is Education the Answer? (Part 4)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Because the secular progressives control the media, entertainment, and education, Americans have no inkling about how sin destroys the quality of life.
Persecution Edges Closer
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Religious freedom is grave danger from trust in humanist leaders. If murder does not matter to the government, the Sabbath and holy days are but trifles.
The Thinking Mind
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Martin G. CollinsIn the current toxic culture, we have been warned not to be conformed to the world, but to become transformed into the glorious likeness of Christ.
The Symmetry of History (Part Two)
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThere can be no doubt that the past five centuries or so have been markedly different from the Medieval and Classical periods of Western history.
God, the End Times, and Massive Movements of People
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe cult of diversity has created more conflicts, hatred, and crimes than any other idea promoted by secularists, who consider God-fearing people to be deplorable.
How Far Have We Fallen? (Part Two)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Keeping God's laws becomes dangerous in a godless society, in which bribery is good, homosexuality is good, murder is good, theft is good, and sin is good.
Today's Christianity (Part Three): Southern Christianity's Impact on America
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThough secularists tried to use immigration policy to sideline Christianity, it backfired. God has used their scheme to accomplish His own purposes.
Whose Morality Are We Following?
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsMoral legislation over the years has steadily eroded because liberal leaders have rejected biblical standards of morality in favor of personal choice.
Globalism and the Wisdom of Men
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe disintegration of the Catholic Church and the greater church of God have eerie parallels. We must seek the wisdom of God rather than the wisdom of men.
Leadership and the Covenants (Part Twenty-One)
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Prior to the Flood, mankind's thoughts and intents were evil continually. A parallel time of demonic activity is on the horizon for those living today.
Corinthian Parallels to Sodom
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughI Corinthians is a practical manual for surviving in a Sodom-like culture, guarding against the corrosive aspects of our perverted culture and its excesses.
Tolerance and Love
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughFor several decades, tolerance has been a powerful theme of political correctness. It is a buzzword of those influenced by the New Age movements.
Purpose-Driven Churches (Part 7)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe Purpose Driven Church will be a major player trying to take the true, end-time church in the wrong direction.

Hamas' October 7 Attack
Sermon by David C. GrabbeHamas' October 7 attack fits into a biblical pattern of God's people turning from Him, causing God to hide His face and allow incredible suffering.

Those Who Are Persecuted
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughPersecution is already here, part and parcel in the lives of followers of Christ. If we are persecuted for following God's instructions, we will be blessed.