Commentary: Are Things Upside Down? (Part One)

Government Plans Hardly Ever Work Out as Planned

Given 28-Jul-12; 12 minutes


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The Obama Administration has saddled this country with more indebtedness than all other presidential administrations combined. Is there anything the government does well? Government knows how to grow itself (after the manner of virulent cancer cells), creating more and more public employees with higher salaries. Unfortunately, the government does not grow wealth; it only takes wealth produced from others. The United States Department of Agriculture has paid out costly subsidies to farmers and has mandated that they grow hybridized gene-spliced corn and wheat. These changes have produced a product with a high proportion of gluten, a major contributory factor in obesity and diabetes. Much of the hybridized seeds are deleterious to health. When we thank God and ask for His blessing on our meals, we must also ask Him to safeguard us from the effects which tampering genetic engineers have brought upon us.


I heard a brief news report Thursday that stated that in the 3.5 years of the Obama administration, they have created more indebtedness than the total of the first 41 presidents combined. Not to be outdone by anyone, even more "quantitative easing" by the Fed is being considered. That means, figuratively, they will speed up the printing of more greenbacks, and thus, the indebtedness total is surely going to rise to ever-more dizzying heights.

For me, that raises a question: Is there anything that the government really does well? Well, yes, there is. There is no unemployment problem in the government. It's total of employees has risen to new heights, especially over the last 3.5 years, as has their pay scale. Of that increase, there seems to be no end. It is prospering.

Unfortunately, our government usually accomplishes the exact opposite of its stated goals. For example, in spite of all the programs envisioned and devised to give our children better education, our government schools are producing children that test dumber and dumber against children from other nations, especially in critical areas like mathematics. Are they ever going to catch on and actually see the crux of this educational conundrum is that the family is being destroyed through the social welfare programs instituted by the government in order to reelect the politicians, and this allows the people in those families to avoid their responsibilities?

Did you ever hear of the law of unintended consequences? This law occurs or appears whenever something totally unforeseen, unintended, and usually—most often—negative and sometimes even quite damaging, results from an action in which only good was expected.

Here is an example. The United States Department of Agriculture's vision statement is:

To be a dynamic organization that is able to enhance agricultural trade, improve farm economies and quality of life in rural America, produce the nation's food supply, improve the nation's nutrition, and protect and enhance the nation's natural resource base and environment.

That is an admirable statement. I mean, it truly is.

Our government subsidizes farmers in a variety of ways, both great and small. Usually it is done to increase profits for the farmers and, more directly, to especially increase yields of corn, wheat, rice, and soy. In addition to the farmers, they also subsidize those who produce new varieties of these plants through things like gene splitting and hybridization. Together, all of these disciplines have managed to produce tremendous quantities of wheat, corn, rice, soy, and other foodstuffs as well. Our production became the envy of the world, and so we exported our products as the solutions to other nations' shortages.

But all is not well. Are you aware that the wheat that we are now producing is not the same wheat as God created? In fact, it is not the same wheat as our farmers were growing between roughly 1950 and 1975. That wheat has almost disappeared from Earth because of hybridization. That wheat is almost not grown anymore because it did not produce enough of a crop to satisfy man's desires. So, through the hybridization, a wheat was produced that produces much larger crops.

However, unintended consequences have arisen. This newer wheat berry contains more gluten than the old one. It artificially stimulates the human appetite to eat more. It is much harder for our body to digest, and at the same time, it encourages the natural functions of the body to store it within the body, thus producing a byproduct of obesity and diabetes and other diseases. Some of these are increasing now at alarming rates.

However, this disturbing mixture was not discovered for 25 or 30 years after the hybridization—after 25 or 30 years of laboratory testing—before the unintended consequences were discovered.

Now, what can be done about it? Well, the only sure way to avoid any of its consequences is to stop eating modern wheat, and brethren, that is a daunting task.

Consider briefly what has been done with corn. The natural product—what God created—has been almost obliterated from existence. The problem began building when the call went out to find ways to produce more corn so that the people's problems with hunger could be met. Altruistic intentions. We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams through genetic combining, so that even weed killers like RoundUp do not harm the corn plant when sprayed on the fields.

The overproduction of corn lead to dirt cheap prices, which helped induce chemical companies to buy the corn at those low prices in order to experiment even further in producing other fruit. Broad products from the corn—mainly additives; things like flavor enhancers, preservatives, and especially the toxic sugar known as high fructose corn syrup that is very cheap to extract, and it is used, it seems, in virtually everything edible to make other foods taste "better"—that is, sweet. It is in virtually everything made of wheat, giving those products a double whammy. It is in virtually every cereal, soft drink, canned fruit, fruit drink, fruit juice drinks, condiments, and even processed meats. High fructose corn syrup is another byproduct, almost impossible for our body to digest.

And so, what's being produced in grains is no longer having the entrance to our body that God intended or the benefits. Thus the body retains this toxic waste product, poisoning it in slow increments and making us obese and far more prone to disease.

I can remember Mr. Armstrong saying in a sermon at a feast way back in the early '60s, that unfortunately, he said, we dig ourselves into chronic diseases and an early grave with our knife, fork and spoon.

It is strange but true that the very diet that the American government encourages us to eat, though better than what many people voluntarily eat on their own, is also one highly likely to be toxic to our health.

So what can we do about the corn in the wheat? Well, actually, from Evelyn's and my experience, we have found that it's far easier to avoid the corn and the high fructose corn syrup than the problem with the wheat. That is almost impossible. We have personally cut way back on consumption, but to this point, I admit we have identified no adequate solution.

What is my point? It's to bring to you what happens when people do not fear God. Again, Herbert Armstrong said that God is going to back all of mankind—and that includes us—into a corner so as to acknowledge Him in our life for our good.

The one thing I know that can be done is to never allow a meal to pass without thanking God for what we do have, and asking Him to bless it. I am uncertain that He is going to cleanse everything that we eat, but it can certainly help motivate us to appeal to Him to send Jesus Christ


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