Feast: God, the End Times, and Massive Movements of People
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 23-Sep-18; 45 minutes
description: (hide) The secularist demand for diversity is intrinsically opposed to unity. Acceptance of the cult of diversity has created more conflicts, hatred, and crimes than any other idea promoted by secularists. These anti-God elites, who perceive the heartland conservatives as deplorable, are the children of Satan, who also considers God-fearing people to be deplorable. As one-third of the angels chose the wrong leadership, members of the deep-state has also chosen the wrong leadership, a choice leading to the destruction of America as a sovereign nation. God is orchestrating the influx of migrants because of modern Israel's idolatry and lawlessness. Secularists, denying the exceptionalism of America, seek to destroy her superior culture in every way possible, opting instead to lead the nation into a decadent, mediocre, and insipid "world culture" with values far inferior to the historically God-inspired standards of America.
We are going to begin this brief message in the book of John. Very familiar scriptures, I used them the other day. John the 17th chapter, verses 20 and 21. And there is a specific reason why I chose this verse and it has to do with things that are developing within the world at this time and especially the United States, and maybe to a slightly lesser extent over in Europe, but even there things are not going too well in this regard as far as Britain is concerned.
John 17:20-21 "I do not pray for these alone [that is, the apostles], but also for those who will believe in Me through their word [and of course they wrote virtually the entire New Testament]; that they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."
It is very easily seen by this verse, if we have even just a small amount of understanding of other portions of the Bible, what God is doing. God is reproducing Himself, He is creating a family, and He is telling us right there through Jesus' prayer that He is going to unite the entire population that has ever been born, and is then in the Kingdom of God, as one. No division, no wars, no divorces, no disease. Everybody will be happy. Boy, that is something! Everybody will be fulfilled. Everybody will love the person next door. But it is not that way now, is it, by a long shot.
I read a speech that was given by a man very knowledgeable in this particular area of life at this time. And in that speech, it appeared to me that he was saying this. It was almost unbelievable to him that what he was saying was true. But yet he was so experienced in this area of his expertise, he knew it was true. But it is almost the same way with myself. It is to some degree incredible to me that there are people in America who believe that the kinds and the qualities of the diversity that we are experiencing in this culture, especially because of the fear of the power of the Left and their intimidating tactics as well as the massive immigration of people far different from us, are both productive and uniting these people and these believers in this promote it, especially verbally in their own lives.
You know very well from the things that you understand that God is doing that diversity does not create peace. Diversity creates arguments. Diversity creates warfare, if it gets bad enough. Here we just read in John 17:20 that God is going to draw the entire creation into one with Him. No disagreement at all! Because His aim is to make everybody in His image, in the Son's image. We may look different, we may have somewhat different personalities as well. We have things that are different, but they do not motivate us to go to war with one another. How in the world can anybody with any sizable kind of education at all, come to the conclusion that the kind of diversity that we have here on this earth is good for the United States of America or any other nation? Those people are loony. What are they thinking of?
Well, like I said just a little bit ago, they believe that these diversities are both productive and uniting, and that these believers promote it.
Now this is one of those issues for which it is a no-brainer. The more differences there are, the greater the likelihood that disagreements, arguments, and fights will arise. Now Herbert Armstrong had a way to solve this. He was joking, of course, at least partly, but there was a nugget of truth in what he was saying. He said to the ministry that was assembled before him, "if you want a good marriage, marry the girl next door." I mean, there is a simple bit of understanding there. That is all he was trying to get across. The less differences there are, the more likely the marriage is going to be good. Everybody is in harmony, both father and mother, and they pass that on to the children.
And so basically what he was saying is do not marry outside in a situation in which there are disagreements that are already budding before you ever come together in marriage. So he said, marry somebody who is as much like you as possible. Growing up in the same neighborhood, experiencing basically the same things, going to the same schools together, sharing dances together, all kinds of activities that could be gone into and you have a background on which to build your own family kingdom.
Now, what is so threatening is that the believers in this rule are often sitting in seats of power in terms of helping form public opinion and thus providing a fairly influential guiding of the overall direction in the culture of the United States. Well, I have been finding out more and more that this was being done even before the massive immigrations into the Western cultures, including the United States, actually began.
I find that these believers tend to be what most Americans would consider the better educated and financially secure among us. They represent what the public would consider to be people worth listening to and following, especially in terms of the lifestyle they themselves choose to live by.
On the other hand, those being influenced are what the reporters might call the common people. Or those Mrs. Clinton referred to as the deplorables. How out of touch is she? Is that a helping statement so that these people become like you and call everybody else a deplorable? I will tell you, maybe God even inspired her to do that in order to change a number of votes to make sure she lost. If that is the way she thought about her fellow citizens in the United States of America, what kind of a president would she be? Boy, she revealed herself right there, right on the spot, and I think that she lost the election, maybe not largely because of that, but at least it added to some of the unsettling thoughts that people had about her, that she would call her fellow citizens deplorables.
I want you to turn with me to Ezekiel the 28th chapter, another very familiar scripture, and I want to turn to this because it has been this way almost since the very beginning. God is speaking and He is speaking to Satan.
Ezekiel 28:14-16 [He says] "You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found within you."
He exposed himself, and that is what these people that are calling their fellow citizens deplorables do.
The only reason I turned to that scripture is to show you that human beings are not the only ones who were influenced to do that sort of thing. It had its beginning in Satan the Devil. He was the one who was calling those who were under him a deplorable. But he still nonetheless drew people, angels, to him. And we find in Revelation 12:4 that one-third of the angels of God have chosen the wrong leadership, and as far as humans are concerned, every human being who lived has chosen the wrong source of leadership.
But we can get a zeroing in on Satan. Satan lives to create cultural differences which divide mankind from God and from each other, and he is the source of it. And we have to admit, brethren, every one of us made the wrong choice.
Now the Feast of Tabernacles is one of those occasions that God has created for the purpose of drawing His people into one. But like any other problem in life, any other kind of cultural problem, every other kind of family problem, it is something that has to be worked at. There has to be a great deal of love spread around those with whom we come into contact, and we have to do it on our own and sacrifice ourselves for them in order to draw them in the way that God wants them to be drawn.
This present migration has caused massive internal problems and it is in the process of causing even more internal problems. It is not producing unity. I mean, right on the face of it, it is only producing more problems. And yet these people still say it is good for the United States to be a stew. That is something that Americans are likely to feel good about. It is not. A stew is made up of many different parts and each one of those parts in the stew tastes different than the other parts of the stew. It is only the fact that they are mixed together and one flavor comes through. It is the unity that produces the good taste in the stew. But it is drawn from very many things within the stew.
Now I want you to think about what is happening here at the end time, just very briefly, and we are going to go back to Genesis 11. And the only thing I want to emphasize at this point is, where is God in this? Now I am not going to prove this by these scriptures that I am giving to you, but they give us a pretty good indication of what God is doing at this time if we believe at all that we are getting closer and closer to the end. And when I say closer and closer, maybe it is 5 years, 10 years, 20 years. But that is a lot closer than 2,000 years from Jesus Christ to right now. And 10 or 15 or 20 years is going to go pretty fast. But these scriptures that I am going to show you are very familiar ones regarding the Tower of Babel.
Genesis 11:5-8 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, "Indeed, the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they purpose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another's speech." So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth, and they ceased building.
What did He do there? What did God do? He started a migration. It is His earth, and He can do what He wants.
Let us look at another place, Deuteronomy 32, verses 7 through 9. Another scripture that is pretty familiar, but we just want to take a look in this kind of situation that we are living here in the United States and in Britain too, a great many people are being bombarded by this migratory session here.
Deuteronomy 32:7-8 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you: When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel.
Another example. God is moving people all over the earth in order that they be where He wants them to be.
Another one. This is a little bit more active and a little bit more recent. But in II Kings 17, verses 5 through 8 and it says there,
II Kings 17:5-8 Now the king of Assyria went throughout all the land, went up to Samaria and besieged it for three years. In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria and carried Israel away to Assyria, and placed them in Halah and by Habor, and River of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. For so it was that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, who had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and they had feared other gods, and had walked in the statues of the nations whom the Lord had cast out from before the children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which they had made.
Well, guess what God did again? He started another migration through a military victory of one of the enemies of the children of Israel, the northern ten tribes, and He shipped them off to another part of the world. I could go on. About 100 years later, God did the same thing to Judah, only this time through Nebuchadnezzar. He sent the Babylonians there, and another migration took place to make sure that the Jews were not in their homeland anymore. Now we know that He allowed a small number of them to come back because He had plans for Judah a little bit later.
So even those two mass migrations eventually resulted in God leading the Israelites in other migrations to the end time locations where they are, primarily in Northwest Europe, the United States, Canada, and Africa. Because when He initially started the migration into Assyria or the migration into Babylon, they did not stay put. God moved them over the next 1,000 years or so into Europe. And incidentally, it is kind of interesting. Where do you think the word "caucasian" came from? It came from the movements of the Israelitish people, because when they were migrating, that is where they were coming from. At first it was not a color of a person's skin. At first it was an area of the world that the Israelitish people became named after.
Now, I only do this to show you, to remind you things that you already know. That God is in charge of this entire earth, and He moves people wherever He wants them to be for the time that He is planning to use those people for one thing and another. I will tell you that I flat out believe that what God is doing now is that He is using this migration of primarily Syrian people to have them in position so that they will be where He wants them to be at this time just prior to Christ's return. (Maybe a little bit more on that in a few minutes.)
But things were going so badly in regard to the migration under the Obama administration that it was becoming a national concern. Now, I want you to understand that President Obama's legal means to stop the influx entirely is very limited, short of converting the government's activities to stop it into a dictatorial machine, which is the last thing that most Israelites want. And what is so interesting to me is that the so-called Christian religion within the nation is playing a role in keeping the influx large by silently and passively encouraging this invasion, while at the same time denying our population's heritage even when they hear truths regarding the effects of this invasion's massive force. And thus in the process of this lack of understanding regarding this nation's heritage, that the United States of America is indeed a portion of the Israel of the Bible combined with the population's basic inactive attitude driven by the concept that somehow we owe freedom to the invaders, is gradually allowing the eroding of what had been—listen carefully—the predominantly Israelitish United States of America.
Here is what is happening. Even if you are not absolutely aware of it, it is happening. Now, I am not saying that we should not help those people from other nations in their need. I am not saying that. I am saying we cannot allow it to get further uncontrolled than it already was under Obama. The effects of what is happening to the characteristics of what had been the Israelitish United States of America are profound. I mean profound as to what is happening.
Now the statistics of what is happening regarding the United States alone are mind boggling. However, similar things are occurring in other Israelitish nations in Europe but not at the accelerated rate that they are occurring here in the United States and in Canada. Interestingly, most of the long-range damage being done is being accomplished by native-born Americans out of an ignorance of the longer range effects of what is literally occurring before our eyes. And this passivity is driven by a self-centered desire to achieve their own personal interests. I think you will be hearing some more angles on this during the Feast from sermons.
You will note that President Trump, who apparently has no idea who these Israelitish nations are in terms of whom they are descended from, seemingly nonetheless cannot get anything really and truly effective underway to staunch the flow of what is happening in the United States. There are too many enemies, too many alligators, too many crocodiles in the swamp that are chewing this country to pieces out of self-interest. Now we are too powerful militarily for any people to do that. But brethren, God is allowing the migrants to walk in virtually unimpeded, aided and abetted from within by people who greatly desire their votes available for future elections and who wants to employ them at the same time at wages well below what an American would be paid. They have got the American people in a vice. Now the vice is not closed yet, but it is closing.
Now those processes are understandable and already underway. An invasion is what is underway with Israel. The most basic spiritual cause is because of mass secularism of the American public. Secularism is nothing more complex (I will make it real simple) than the worship of the self. That is all it is.
A major tool of the secularists is to often argue to gain power over others by what they call science. The term science has a rather strong esoteric and persuasive power to it, but the term simply means "having knowledge." Do you know what they are saying under their breath? We are smarter than you. It is just vanity. But they have got the power, the power of their offices. So what they are saying in plain language is we know more and better than you, but unfortunately that is very, very often an unproved and unsubstantiated claim. It is a claim, and nothing more, and this can easily be seen in the very important area of spiritual things. When we in the church of God look at that, we see a spiritual problem. They do not. They already love themselves. God is not even in the picture.
It is that simple. Nothing complex about this. These people do not even believe God exists, despite the fact that they not only are, they live because He created them! They are in open denial of the reality of God's existence. That is how "smart" they are. And so much so that God says in Romans 1:18-20, "They are without excuse."
Now, by means of science they have grabbed control of religion, government, business, education, and entertainment. So many entertainers think they know what is going on. Now President Trump is not really a savior. But even with the concepts that he does possess, those concepts are closer to what we more normally desire as he stridently resists and in turn is resisted on every side.
Rush Limbaugh made an insightful comment not long ago, saying that for the Leftists to take over the United States of America, all they have to do is stop the next election. It does not matter what the reasons are, just stop the next election and the United States of America will be thrown into confusion. So that is a major agenda that he has uncovered that they are aiming for. The United States of America is the last major barrier the Leftists are seeking to overthrow. And even right now, the Leftists, combined with the secularists, occupy so many positions of power, especially in state governments. We kind of let that slide by. But they are running the states, not just the United States, but they are running many states.
Just let me give you an example. The wonderful state of California is already a sanctuary state providing safety to illegal aliens—this is an entire state—and refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities to try to staunch the flow.
Now Trump's immigration workers in Congress have been unable to end what is called chain migration. Do you know what chain migration is? This is a cancer. Chain migration. In fact, President Trump's wife Melania took advantage of this to get her parents a free pass into the United States. Now what that name implies is that—listen carefully—once an illegal immigrant is granted entry to the United States, loopholes in the laws allow them to draw in with them other relatives in virtually unlimited numbers.
According to a study done by Princeton University, each new naturalized citizen, because of chain migration loopholes, opens the door for each one of them to invite an average of 3.45 additional relatives including sons and daughters and their children, parents and their relatives, like sisters, brothers, and their spouses and children, and there is no legal limit on the number of parents and spouses in this listing. You can thank Obama and his crew for that. Under chain migration right now, more than four million are waiting to enter the United States on this program. Over the past 35 years, according to this Princeton study, chain migration has been responsible for 60% of our total immigration! And under this system, it is the illegal immigrants who get to choose who comes in, not the American government. It is just perfectly legal.
Amos 3:1-2 says that the only nation that God has made a covenant with is Israel. And crises such as are shown what happened in Israel in the past have always been caused by turning from God to idolatry. Now I believe that we are living through such a period now and I see no indication of change through repentance. That is, in the United States. Therefore, it will happen and it will not be pretty.
Now unless a firm hand is gotten on the cause, that is, our national godlessness, population experts in the United States Census Bureau show that if current immigration rates continue, America's entire demographic composition will change. And the population of the United States, by adding projected births and subtracting projected deaths, will increase to 500 million people during the remainder of this century putting a strain on virtually every resource because the increase is too rapid to manage and contain.
And in addition to this, we are losing farmland at a tremendous rate. This will knock your socks off. By 2050, that is only 32 years away, we are going to lose enough farmland that is as large as the state of Kansas, from building houses and from building industries or whatever. And of course, who is going to work in those industries where we give up the farmland? See? Now there are at least 12 million illegal aliens in the United States right now.
English is going to disappear as America's dominant language because most illegals are showing no inclination to learn it, even though being proficient in English, according to the people who hire people, is the major key to prosperity for these people. Who needs to speak English when some bureaucrat is doing it for you? That is what is happening. And that cooperation is gradually dissolving the English language into nothing but guttural terms.
It is presently costing American taxpayers $113 billion per year for services made solely in behalf of illegal immigrants. Education alone for children of illegals is estimated at 13 billion per year. Households headed by illegal aliens receive an estimated 2.5 billion in Medicaid each year and an additional 1.9 billion in programs such as food stamps and free school lunches. By 2020, that is only two years away, non-white children—this will blow your socks off—will be 50% of the population under 18.
You see, these people in charge of these governments have decided that they are to take action in turning America brown. There is nothing wrong with brown in terms of a person's color of his skin. It is why they are doing it that is the problem. Incidentally, it is pretty well known that this changeover is being accomplished by internationally connected Leftist organizations.
Health care costs for the uninsured illegals was a staggering 4.3 billion in each of the past several years, driving up what it cost some native Americans for health care coverage.
America takes in more immigrants than do nearly all other developed nations in the world combined. And yet it is never enough. So, 20,000 are admitted virtually each and every day, hundreds of thousands each month, and of course millions within a year's time.
America's wealthy standard of living is being dissipated, and we can only hope that what we are freely extending to these unfortunate people is giving them some assistance through their hard times. But left to men, the wealth will not last. The migrants are simply being used to satisfy someone's lust for power.
Now it looks to me that the major military, industrial, and economic powers are gradually combining their strengths to bring down the Israelitish people so that they can have a greater share of the wealth that God has given to America because of Abraham. Now, I think that you have a pretty good idea of the biblical identity of that person.