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Massive Immigration, Few Controls
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The proposed wall between Mexico and America has been sabotaged by establishment politicians who mock that no plane will be hindered by a wall.
Immigration and the Kingdom of God
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. GrabbeUnlike Europe and the United States, God ensures that all His potential citizens will conform to His culture.
Illegal Immigration and the American Crisis
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeImmigration trends in American history are cyclical, and in fact, can be a good indicator of how close the next crisis is.
An Overview of the Immigration Problem
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)When diversity is given greater importance than unity, one can see the end of unity and cooperation with regard to national goals.
Is Europe Dying?
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeAnalysts have been ready to file the EU's obituary, as Europe's demographics, Constitution, and economy have languished. Can the Beast arise from Europe?
Israel's Immigration Problem
Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Economically, the alien has enslaved modern Israel by becoming the lender, putting an iron yoke around the necks of the people in the host nations.
WorldWatch January 2004
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeEvents, news, and trends from a prophetic perspective for January 2004: European Disunity; Western-Mediterranean Agreement (Tunis Declaration); U.S. Immigration
The State of the Union
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeIt only takes one nation to reject a European Union treaty, even one as significant as the Lisbon Treaty. How likely is a federal Europe now?
Whither the EU?
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeFor decades, we have watched and waited for Europe to unite to form the last revival of the Holy Roman Empire. Yet systemic weakness undermines the EU.
God, the End Times, and Massive Movements of People
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe cult of diversity has created more conflicts, hatred, and crimes than any other idea promoted by secularists, who consider God-fearing people to be deplorable.
The Illegals' Cost
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Currently, 29% of convicted felons (630,000 individuals) in American prisons are illegal aliens, costing the tax payer $1.6 billion dollars.
Individual State Bankruptcies (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Productive, middle-class Americans are emigrating from highly taxed, nearly bankrupt states to more tax-friendly and fiscally responsible venues.
Clash of Cultures
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughEurope has seen millions of migrants, mostly Muslims, stream into their nations to the point that it has become a primary topic politically.
Learning the Right Things (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)The harmful things people learn thoroughly in their youth will sabotage any helpful steps to correct this earlier enslaving conditioning.
Today's Christianity (Part Three): Southern Christianity's Impact on America
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThough secularists tried to use immigration policy to sideline Christianity, it backfired. God has used their scheme to accomplish His own purposes.
Today's Christianity (Part Two): Southern Christianity Moves North
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerContrary to the intention to marginalize Christianity through the Immigration Reform Act of 1965, it instead gave rise to a new strain of conservative Christianity.
Good Fences
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughRobert Frost's poem, 'Mending Wall,' dramatizes the tension between those who encourage 'open borders' and those who seek to enforce border controls.
Law Enforcement
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThough most sinners do not make the connection between their sins and their adverse circumstances, there is a cause-and-effect principle working in their lives.
Where Have All the Babies Gone?
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityWestern nations, producing too few babies, are not maintaining their populations. Immigration is not a workable solution, only causing society turmoil.
America's Imminent Perfect Storm
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughIs there a leader in the wings who will have the fortitude to face the coming crisis? Perhaps there is, though it appears that he has not shown his face in public.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall (2002)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe prophecy of Deuteronomy 28:42-49 concerns the curse of the stranger rising higher and higher above us, displacing our Israelitish culture with foreign one.
Globalism (Part Nine): Running To and Fro
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerGlobalism is a force to bring about widespread dispersions of peoples before the end to bring about 'the time of Jacob's trouble.'
Is America Being Re-Colonized?
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThe debt compiled by the United States government is beginning to be collected by the Chinese, who have been buying up massive parcels of real estate.
Is There Hope For Equality?
CGG Weekly by John W. RitenbaughInequality and its fruit, discrimination, will continue to prevail as long as Satan is the ruler of this world and mankind is dominated by its carnal nature.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part One): Weeping for the Children Who Are Not
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerIt seems counter-intuitive to think that the world's population is shrinking, but trend lines show the possibility of a 95% reduction in population ahead.