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Demography Is Destiny
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Population trends become reliable trends of future national consequences. We do not have a debt crisis as much as a death crisis.
Population Trends in Asia (Part Three): Lots of Puppy-dog Tails
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerIn many traditional societies, boys are favored over girls; female infanticide is nothing new. However, ultrasound and cheap abortions have made it easier.
The State of the Union
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeIt only takes one nation to reject a European Union treaty, even one as significant as the Lisbon Treaty. How likely is a federal Europe now?
The Red Dragon: Rising or Falling?
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeBehind China's economic successes, technological progress and military advances are latent weaknesses that are set to converge soon.
Is Europe Dying?
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeAnalysts have been ready to file the EU's obituary, as Europe's demographics, Constitution, and economy have languished. Can the Beast arise from Europe?
Whither the EU?
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeFor decades, we have watched and waited for Europe to unite to form the last revival of the Holy Roman Empire. Yet systemic weakness undermines the EU.

Where Have All the Babies Gone?
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityWestern nations, producing too few babies, are not maintaining their populations. Immigration is not a workable solution, only causing society turmoil.

Is China's Threat a Mirage?
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughA highly placed Chinese official made a point of telling the U.S. Treasury Secretary that China is no threat to the United States. This may be true—for now.
Europe: Ripe for Change
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeNews, events, and trends according to a prophetic perspective for November 2004: Europe: Ripe for Change, Protestantism's Decline.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part Two): Causes and Results of Rejecting True Values
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerWhat are the causes—moral, social, and technological—behind the new demographic realities? Perhaps more importantly, what will be their consequences?
Ich Bin Heide
'WorldWatch' by Charles WhitakerWorld news, events, and trends from the standpoint of biblical prophecy for November 2004.
The Big Lie (Part Two)
Commentary by Mark SchindlerOne of Satan's lies is that the time has come for civilization to jettison marriage, procreation, and the family as outmoded relics of a patriarchal past.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part One): Weeping for the Children Who Are Not
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerIt seems counter-intuitive to think that the world's population is shrinking, but trend lines show the possibility of a 95% reduction in population ahead.
Greece, America—Whatever
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe bigger they are, the harder they fall. If America wants to avoid following Greece down the economic drain, we must take action now to stop the money leak.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part Three): Answers That Miss the Mark
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThe numbers do not lie—birthrates are declining. But what are governments planning to do about this imminent problem? Both proposals are wrongheaded.
The Illegals' Cost
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Currently, 29% of convicted felons (630,000 individuals) in American prisons are illegal aliens, costing the tax payer $1.6 billion dollars.
Stats and Sin: Measuring Peoples' Morals
'WorldWatch' by Charles WhitakerStatistics regarding marriage and abortion from the United States and Canada illustrate how immoral beliefs ultimately produce destructive results.
No Children, No Hope For the Future
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsMany of the leaders in Europe do not have children; they are emblematic of the curse of barrenness. Western civilization has chosen death rather than life.
Population Trends in Asia (Part One): Charting Ups and Downs
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerThree events are taking place in Asia with an intensity never before witnessed in human history—at least not since the Flood. How might they affect us?
Birthrates in Decline
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughStatistics show that the birth rate for the Western nations has dropped below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman, sometimes significantly so.
Individual State Bankruptcies (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Productive, middle-class Americans are emigrating from highly taxed, nearly bankrupt states to more tax-friendly and fiscally responsible venues.
Generations in America
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeEvery society has multiple generations living at the same time, and the way they interact has a tremendous impact on culture and events.
Immigration and the Kingdom of God
'Prophecy Watch' by David C. GrabbeUnlike Europe and the United States, God ensures that all His potential citizens will conform to His culture.
No Money, No Empire
'WorldWatch' by Charles WhitakerWorld news, trends, and comment in light of Bible prophecy for May 2004.
God, the End Times, and Massive Movements of People
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe cult of diversity has created more conflicts, hatred, and crimes than any other idea promoted by secularists, who consider God-fearing people to be deplorable.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part Four): A Soup Tureen of Trouble
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerWith populations around the world in decline, how will governments and businesses maintain the present standard of living?
WorldWatch March-April 2004
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeNews, events, and trends from the perspective of biblical prophecy for March-April 2004: European Religious Revival?; The Vatican's Islam Dilemma
The Beast and Babylon (Part One)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughEurope is not uniting as we once thought it would. How does this affect our interpretation of the prophecies?
Population Trends in Asia (Part Two): The Graying of Asia
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerOnly a catastrophe of biblical proportions could forestall the tendency for Asia's populations to age substantially between now and 2025.
Clash of Cultures
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughEurope has seen millions of migrants, mostly Muslims, stream into their nations to the point that it has become a primary topic politically.
The Islamization of Europe
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Europe is rapidly being taken over by Islam. The term Islam means submission, referring to the absolute subjection to Allah and the Koran.
Geopolitics: Scope and Limitations
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughInternational relations are convoluted enough to make the mind swim. Geopolitics is perhaps the most conservative method of making some sense of the world.
De-Population: Vaccines
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsPowerful men have been preparing to drastically reduce world population, anticipating bio-weapons that would eliminate 'undesirable' portions of humanity.
What's in the Bucket? (Part Four)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, considered the black race inferior, and sought a way to reduce it. The black population is beginning to die out.
What to Do in Babylon
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)There is nothing to be desired in the Babylonish system, but we can grow spiritually in spite of the downward pulls.
The Challenge of Growth in the New Eden
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)Young people need to prepare themselves now, envisioning themselves as architects, civil engineers, transportation engineers, explorers, and teachers.

Scarcity Amid Plenty
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe specter of famine has again crept into the public consciousness with spiking food prices, as prophesied in the Third Seal of Revelation 6.