Sermonette: Head 'Em Up and Move 'Em Out!


Given 15-Jan-94; 15 minutes


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Imagine you are a logistics officer, charged with moving 2½ million troops, gathering them together in a staging area and marching them off without the aid of modern electronic devices, motorized transport, or anything else like that. Can 2½ million people (with livestock and possessions) move out of a location (Ramses in Goshen) in five hours? If we carelessly assume the 'new' understanding to do away with the Night to be Much Observed and assume that the event should be moved to the end of the 15th, we would have to embrace this impossible claim, loins girded or not. If the column of people were a mile wide, it would have to be over ten miles long. A trained army can move at 2½ miles an hour; the children of Israel were not a trained army, and would be fortunate if they could move one mile per hour. The 'new' understanding (based upon multiple distortions of the Scripture) falls apart in the light of cold mathematical facts.

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