Sermonette: Don't Grow Weary While Doing Good
God Wants You to Succeed!
Ryan McClure
Given 22-May-21; 16 minutes
description: (hide) The ancient Israelites were at the peak of exhilaration when they spoiled Egypt, but fell into the depths of depression when they suffered the discomforts of heat, thirst and hunger in the Wilderness, leading them to wonder whether they had made the right decision to leave slavery. Some, in their stubborn unbelief, accused God of plotting to kill them. Sadly, many of God's called-out ones, when facing the character-building tests God provides, become weary and discouraged, forgetting that these trials are necessary for God to test what is in their hearts. They must realize that not only is God aware of all their needs (Matthew 6:25), but He has also given us everything we need to overcome and build character through the gift of His Holy Spirit. If they continually sow to the Spirit, they will reap Eternal life (Galatians 6:7-10), but if they sow to the fleshly desires, they will reap death. Losing heart is far too easy, but too much is at stake if one lags behind, becoming prey to Satan. God desires that all should succeed and come to repentance. Those whom God has called should resist growing weary in doing good, looking ahead to a bountiful reward.