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Fearing God

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

If we fear our boss, college professor, employer, or spouse more than God, we are guilty of idolatry, putting human figures in the place of God.

State of Fear

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

After witnessing the Covid pandemic and several deaths, God's people have a fear of the possibility of an encore of these tragedies.

Fear of the Unknown

Sermonette by Craig Sablich

God wants us to live in day-tight compartments, trusting that He protects us from the fear of the unknown and all the things that go bump in the night.

Fearing God's Willingness

CGG Weekly

When the Bible is mentioned as a resource of strength and purpose to some people, they meet it with everything from eye-rolls to bitterness and apathy.

The Fear of God

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Many have inadvertently adopted a soft concept of God, disrespecting and showing contempt for God's authority and power. Godly fear is a gift of wisdom.

The Fear of God (Part Four)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The fear of God is the first line of defense, keeping us from profaning God's name, tarnishing the image of the Lord, and defending us from pain and/or death.

The Greatest Motivation

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Most people are not aware of the motivations that drive their behavior. Are we cognizant of our own motivations? Are we analyzing their activation and intensity?

Standing Up for God

Article by Staff

Standing up against the majority is never easy, but as Christians, we have been called to do just that. We need to grow in courage until we are bold as a lion.

The Agape Evolution

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

In one context, evolution is absolutely real:the transition of one of God's called-out ones from a state of fear to a state of transcendental agape love.

Nothing But Ashes

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Carnal fear puts us into terror, but fear of God brings security. We dare not try to replace the fear of God with the love of God; both are foundational.

Elements of Motivation (Part One)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Fearing God leads to a determination not to bring shame on God's name or offending and hurting the relationship between God and us.

Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Seven)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The church of God is not immune to the deterioration of doctrine. Minor deviations from doctrine bring about irreparable, disastrous consequences.

Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Four)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Even with Christ's sacrifice, God does not owe us salvation. We are called to walk, actively putting to death our carnal natures, resisting the complacency.

Overcoming Troubled Hearts (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Clyde Finklea

With His crucifixion before Him and His departure from this life near at hand, Jesus encouraged His disciples with some final help for troubled hearts.

Love's Greatest Challenges

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

An irrational fear of loss prevents the development of agape love — we fear that keeping God's commandments will cause us to lose something valuable.

The Petrified Heart

Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo

The antidote to the fear of repentance caused by pride is godly humility and the willingness to be set on the right spiritual course.


Sermonette by Joseph B. Baity

We must consider our ways, especially in times of stress when continuous disruptions throw us into confusion and impede physical and spiritual progress.

Love's Emotional Dimension

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Love doesn't become 'love' until we act. If we don't do what is right, the right feeling will never be formed; emotions are largely developed by our experiences.

Sowing and Reaping

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

Fear of any kind is never an excuse to break any of God's laws. God wants us to learn the principle of reciprocity- that what we sow we will also reap.