Sermonette: A Beast on the Horizon
Clyde Finklea
Given 26-Sep-22; 29 minutes
description: (hide) The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) stands symmetrically at midpoint in the seven annual holy days, tipping back to Passover and Pentecost and forward to the fearful Day of the Lord and the literal return of Christ. We have been previously apprized that one-third of the Bible is prophecy, 90% which is yet to be fulfilled following the return of Christ. In the meantime, we will witness the rise of the Beast Power with the preparations already in motion, by the great reset and the satanically inspired New World Order, making the hapless subjects of the world to kowtow or accept the science falsely so-called (I Timothy 6:19-20) as such as evolution, man-made climate change, and gain of function Franken-viruses, endorsed by King Charles, Pope Francis, Klaus Schwab and the other usual confederates in Satan's New World Order, undertaking the goal of promoting the emerging Beast Power and False Prophet alliance. For example, the Vatican this month will have amassed the world's largest financial institution, achieving the clout to force collectivist wealth distribution, enforcing the insane green revolution and tyrannical health mandates. Some are again speculating that a new charismatic leader, Karl Theodore zu Guttenberg, seems to be preparing to be a Fuhrer of Europe with just as much alacrity as some formerly attributed to the late Franz Josef Strauss. While we must realize that prophecy has seldom been interpreted correctly until after it has occurred, we nevertheless, must solemnly remember that before the Seven Bowl Plagues (Revelation 16) do begin to occur, we need to prepare to make our calling sure.