Sermonette: Motives
Joseph B. Baity
Given 13-Oct-22; 19 minutes
description: (hide) In the solution of murder mysteries, the factors involve 1.) the means, 2.) the opportunity, and 3.) the motive. The carnal mind, displaying enmity to God and His laws, copying Satan's mind, desires to elevate self against God (Romans 8:5-7). The men of Babel wanted to copy Satan's motivation (Isaiah 14:13-14) by elevating themselves against God, making a name for themselves. In our own calling, we need to make sure that our deeply felt motive is to serve God and our spiritual siblings rather than elevating ourselves. Are we trying to help a brother in need or merely putting on a show? God's primary motive is pure—to transform us into His image. His commandments facilitate this objective of enjoying being in the God family. Let us aid Almighty God, who examines our deepest motives to yield to His purpose for us.