Sermonette: The Immortal Soul and the Plan of God


Given 05-Oct-23; 18 minutes


playlist Go to the Feast of Tabernacles 2023 playlist

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The foundation of the world's churches is grounded in the belief that man is born with an immortal soul, a doctrine that completely contradicts the clear biblical evidence of the plan of God for mankind. The Scriptures reveal that: (1) All men who are born, experience a physical death returning to dust just as the animals. (2) All men sleep in the grave as their spirit returns to God ( Ecclesiastes 3:19. (3) All men are created mortal ( Ecclesiastes 12:7, Acts 13:36 ). (4) at God's appointed time all mankind will be resurrected ( Ezekiel37:24) ., and ( 5) All men will face their final judgment ( Revelation 2:11-13.

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