Sermonette: Can a Believer Sanctify a Husband or Wife?


Given 14-Oct-23; 18 minutes


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If only Almighty God can call someone into His family (John 6:44), how is it possible that a believing husband or wife can sanctify a spouse or child (I Corinthians 7:14)? No one can come to Christ unless the Father picks him. Though Paul preached to many people, only a select few received the gift of faith. The context of I Corinthians 7:14 is the desire for peace in a marriage between a believer and the unbelieving spouse. Sanctification, holy, and set apart have a range of uses, but not all apply to each one in the family. The believer, sanctified by Christ's blood, keeps the covenant, but the unbelieving spouse and children are sanctified in the sense of receiving protection, which is sometimes rejected by the unbelieving family member. Noah's family, Rahab's family, and Lot's family were all offered protection, but not all availed themselves of this protection—such as Lot's wife. Some of the benefits an unbelieving spouse and children may receive are the blessings of a godly example, exercising the fruits of God's Holy Spirit. The children have access to a person who has access to God's throne. The believer's presence indeed makes a difference; the unbelieving spouse will receive a benefit, but it is not a "get out of jail free" card. God does not look kindly on any abuse of grace.

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