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The Prayer Conundrum

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Why are some prayers answered and some not? Why are some people miraculously healed, while others with the same affliction suffer ghastly declines and die?

Unanswered Prayer

Sermonette by James Beaubelle

Even though we often must wait for a response, God listens closely to our prayers from the heart and is looking out for our best interests.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Eight)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The purpose of prayer is not to overcome God's reluctance, but to help in yielding to His will. 'Prayer changes things' is only true if it conforms to God's will.

The Sovereignty of God: Part Nine

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

God's sovereignty seems to imply that prayer is pointless. Yet the function of prayer is not to change God's mind, but ours!

The Sovereignty of God: Part Eight

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

If God is manipulating everything in His sovereignty, why pray? What does prayer teach us? Here is why God commands us to come before Him in prayer.

The Sovereignty of God (Part Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Prayer is not a dictating to a reluctant God, but a demonstration of our attitude of dependence and need. It is a means to get into harmony with God's will.

Prayer and Persistence

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Persistence in prayer does not mean an incessant pestering God into action. God always looks at our petitions from the vantage-point of His purpose.

Faith and Prayer

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Constant, earnest prayer keeps faith alive and makes certain the receiving of the qualities that make us in the image of God. God's purpose comes first.

What Is Prayer?

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Prayer to a tool we must learn to use. Because we take on the characteristics of those we are around, we should keep company with God continually though prayer.

Back to Life (Part One)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Sickness and hardship should not erode our faith in God's ultimately favorable purpose for us. A current trial may serve as a witness for the good of others.

Ask, Seek, Knock

'Ready Answer' by John O. Reid

When we are searching for a solution to a problem, we should actively expend effort to resolve the difficulty. Jesus gives three different forms of seeking.

Another Look at the Prosperity Gospel

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

Prosperity gospel preachers twist verses out of context to convince people that God will give them anything. They fail to mention that God does not give His benefits to just anyone.

Where Is My Rolls Royce? (Part One)

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

Some scriptures seem to say that all one needs to do is ask God in prayer for whatever the heart desires, and He will grant it like a genie rubbed from his lamp.

Whatever We Ask

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prayer comes under attack if we live double-lives, giving us a guilty conscience, not practicing what we have been taught, allowing our hearts to condemn us.

Should We Pray for the World?

'Ready Answer' by Staff

Some believe that we should not pray for those in the world because of a few verses in Jeremiah. However, the bulk of the Bible shows just the opposite!

The Book of Daniel (Part Six)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

We need to emulate Daniel by faithfully studying and praying for understanding, asking God for what He has promised and for His will to be done.

Are You Living an Abundant Life?

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

If Christianity is lived the way Christ intended, rather than as represented by media caricatures, it is one of the most exhilarating and abundant lifestyles.

Teach Us To Pray! (Part Two)

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prayer should be a major practice in our life and bring us into contact with God's creative purpose, indicating to Him that we will yield to His purpose.