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Christian Obedience

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

What part does obedience play in Christianity? People are urged, "Just believe in Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." But Jesus has more to say on this.

Paul: Grace, Law, and Obedience

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Paul's writings, because of their complexity, are frequently twisted to say that he was anti-law. By denigrating God's law, the unconverted set their own standards.

Belief with Obedience

Sermon by John O. Reid

Catholics and Protestants, because of lack of belief, do not find the Bible a sufficient guide to salvation. They claim to believe Christ, yet disobey.

Spiritual Strongholds (Part One): Obedience

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Joshua quickly acquiesced to God, realizing that it is not a question of God being with us; we must yield unconditionally to the sovereign will of God.

Is Obedience Required Before Receiving God's Holy Spirit?

'Ready Answer' by Earl L. Henn

Acts 5:32 declares that God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him, yet some argue that keeping God's law is not necessary. What is the truth?

The Ten Commandments

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

God's Ten Commandments are the divine law and standard that regulate human conduct. As our world testifies, they are still very much needed today!

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty, Part Three: The Fruits

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Here are four qualities of character that our full acceptance of God's sovereignty will build and that will prepare us for whatever work God may choose for us.


Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

'Good' is a term we use very loosely, yet it is a major characteristic of God. It is defined in terms of what God is: absolute goodness.

The Sovereignty of God: Part Nine

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

God's sovereignty seems to imply that prayer is pointless. Yet the function of prayer is not to change God's mind, but ours!

In Honor of the Father

Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo

Father's Day is a time to not only honor our physical fathers, but also our Heavenly Father who established the family and the sanctity of marriage.

As I Breathe

Sermonette by Austin Del Castillo

Some in the church of God have succumbed to the lie that we do not need to be overly concerned about sinning because we are under God's grace.

The Purpose of Prophecy

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

God sent prophets to do one thing: to tell His people to return to keeping His commandments. While some foretold events, all of them preached obedience.

Dead to the Law?

'Ready Answer' by Earl L. Henn

Romans 7:4 says we are 'dead to the law through ... Christ.' What does this mean? The context shows that it refers to the 'old man' that perished at baptism.

Fully Accepting God's Sovereignty (Part Four)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

We are not individually sovereign, but we are taught to give ourselves over completely to God's sovereignty. If we do, we will reap unfathomable blessings.

Deuteronomy: Fear

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

When people allow fear to rule them, they lose their mind. Fear of God, however, is not mind killing, but inspires a reverential awe of the Creator.

Authority and Government

Sermon by John O. Reid

Too many feel that they are above the law, but paradoxically, laws proliferate when corruption prevails. We must be subject to all law, God's and man's.

Deuteronomy (Part 4) (1994)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

We must seek God as ardently as we would a physical love relationship, spending quality time with Him. If we make no effort, the relationship cools.

Do You Really Know God?

Sermon by Clyde Finklea

We can know for sure that we know Him intimately by keeping His commandments and practicing loving kindnesses.

Love's Emotional Dimension

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Love doesn't become 'love' until we act. If we don't do what is right, the right feeling will never be formed; emotions are largely developed by our experiences.

Four Warnings (Part Three): I Never Knew You

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Christ's third warning in the Sermon on the Mount is to beware of hypocrisy, professing to do things in Jesus' name but habitually practicing lawlessness.

Sovereignty and Its Fruit: Part Ten

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Once we accept God's sovereignty, it begins to produce certain virtues in us. Here are four of these byproducts of total submission to God.

Characteristics of the Surrendered Life

CGG Weekly by Mike Fuhrer

By surrendering to God and conducting ourselves in harmony with His revealed truth, we can live abundantly, and our lives become transformed.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Love

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Love is the first fruit of the Spirit, the one trait of God that exemplifies His character. The Bible defines love as both what it is and what it does.

Free Will or God's Sovereignty?

Sermon by David C. Grabbe

In the troubling paradox that God has sovereignty over all events and that He grants humans the ability to make meaningful choices, antinomian Protestants have assembled prooftexts, allegedly proving that God's called-out ones are not expected to put forth any effort or make any commitment in the conversionary process because …

The Beauty of God's Law

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Keeping God's Law brings bountiful blessings, harmony, and profound peace (Psalm 119:165), while the 'cheap' grace brings guilt, anxiety, and pain.

Rebellion as Witchcraft

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God looks more favorably on a person who single-mindedly follows His Word than on someone who excuses his failures as "opportunities" to bring God glory.

Sin, Christians, and the Fear of God

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Scripture takes a very stern view of sin because it is failure to live up to God's standard and destroys relationships, especially our relationship with God.


CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Can anything be more paradoxical than professing Christians not following the words of the One they claim as their Savior? In works they deny Him.

What Does God Really Want? (Part 2)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

If we want to be like our Savior, then we will live the way He lived, keeping God's commandments — which exemplify the highest form of love.

The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Twenty-Nine)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

A summary of the Covenants, Grace, and Law series, reiterating the differences in the Covenants and the respective places of grace and law in God's purpose.

The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Sixteen)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Righteousness consists of applying the Law's letter and/or intent. Sin constitutes a failure of living up to the standards of what God defines as right.

Image and Likeness of God (Part Five)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The true nature of God differs greatly from the trinitarian concept. Having created us in His form and shape, God is developing us into His character image.

By This We Know Love!

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

As God's people keep God's law in its spiritual intent, they begin to think like the Father and His Son, both of whom habitually do good.

Ecclesiastes Resumed (Part Six)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

God wants us to use wisdom to change ourselves, humbly replacing our perspective with His perspective. God gives wisdom as a component of His grace.

Whatever We Ask

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prayer comes under attack if we live double-lives, giving us a guilty conscience, not practicing what we have been taught, allowing our hearts to condemn us.

The First Commandment (1997)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

The Ten Commandments open with the most important, the one that puts our relationship with God in its proper perspective. It is a simple but vital command.

Saved By Faith Alone?

'Ready Answer' by Earl L. Henn

Protestantism is based on Luther's insistence that Christians are saved by faith alone. But is the really true? It is true of justification, not salvation.