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The Rea$on for the Season
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeIf there is indeed a 'war on Christmas,' then let Rome defend it, for it was pagan Rome that co-opted the winter solstice and inserted the presumed birth of Jesus.
Celebrating a Lie
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughThe true story of Jesus' birth has been syncretized into a non-Christian festival, and even that has been obscured by a wrong date and a phony crèche scene.
Reasons for Not Celebrating Christmas
CGG Weekly by John ReissWhy do we not keep Christmas? Jesus was not born on December 25, during Saturnalia, a pagan festival. It is a commercialized holiday rife with lies.

So You Plan to Keep Christmas Now?
Article by Mike FordDecorating with evergreens, festivals of lights, and the practice of giving dolls as gifts in the middle of winter all originate in pagan festivals.

The Plain Truth About Christmas
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletDid Christmas come from the Bible or paganism? Here are the origins of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, mistletoe, the holly wreath, and exchanging gifts.

Is New Year's Eve a Pagan Holiday?
'Ready Answer' by Mike FordNew Year's Eve may seem like an innocuous, secular holiday, but it, too, has ties to ungodly, pre-Christian customs and religious practices.
Crazy or Christmas
Sermonette by Ronny H. GrahamIf Christmas is Christ's birthday, it is strange that everybody else except Christ receives a gift. All of its symbols derive from pagan sources.
Is New Year's Eve Pagan?
Sermonette by Mike FordNew Year's celebrations often involve drunkenness, debauchery, and adultery. God commands us to separate ourselves from these customs and traditions of the world.