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Does Jeremiah Describe a Christmas Tree in Jeremiah 10:2-5?

Bible Questions & Answers

Cutting down and setting up a tree like for Christmas is termed 'the way of the Gentiles [heathen, KJV].' We are commanded not to learn or follow that way.

Reasons for Not Celebrating Christmas

CGG Weekly by John Reiss

Jesus was not born on December 25. The roots of Christmas are found in Saturnalia, and many of the trappings of Christmas are directly imported from paganism.

The Crazy in Christmas

CGG Weekly by Ronny H. Graham

Jesus tells us that we must worship God in spirit and truth. Where is the truth in Christmas? What is the Christmas spirit, and where does it come from?

Crazy or Christmas

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

If Christmas is Christ's birthday, it is strange that everybody else except Christ receives a gift. All of its symbols derive from pagan sources.

So You Plan to Keep Christmas Now?

Article by Mike Ford

Decorating with evergreens, festivals of lights, and the practice of giving dolls as gifts in the middle of winter all originate in pagan festivals.

The Plain Truth About Christmas

Herbert W. Armstrong Booklet

Did Christmas come from the Bible or paganism? Here are the origins of the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, mistletoe, the holly wreath, and exchanging gifts.

What's Wrong With Christmas?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

The Catholic Church mixed truth and falsehood to have the 'official' birthdate of the Son of God coincide with the rebirth of the sun, the winter solstice.

Christmas and Sun Worship

Sermonette by Mike Ford

Christmas, Easter, and Halloween all derive from sex, fertility, and sun worship. Christmas traces to the incestuous relationship of Semiramis and Nimrod.

Spirit and Truth

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

The pagan origins of Christmas are well known. How can Christians practice something that has always been anti-God? Is this worshiping 'in spirit and in truth'?

Celebrating a Lie

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The true story of Jesus' birth has been syncretized into a non-Christian festival, and even that has been obscured by a wrong date and a phony crèche scene.


Article by Martin G. Collins

Christmas is a very blatant form of syncretism, the blending of diverse religious practices. The origins of Christmas testify of why we should reject it.

'Tis the Season: Help for Our Young People

Article by Staff

As another Christmas season approaches, many in God's church, including our children, dread having to endure it. We can help them understand God's way.

For the Love of the Truth

Sermonette by Ryan McClure

Christ has never been in man's holidays, which are built on lies, and which teach children they cannot trust the veracity of their own parents.

Satan's Pagan Holy Days

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim Myers

New Years, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and birthdays all originate in paganism. Satan entices many into accepting these pagan practices through emotional appeals.

To Be, or Not To Be, Like Everyone Else?

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

To keep from being swept up in the bandwagon effect of compromising with sin, we must make sure our convictions are not merely preferences.

The Second Commandment (1997)

'Personal' from John W. Ritenbaugh

Many fail to perceive the difference between the first and second commandments. The second commandment defines the way we are to worship the true God.

The Commandments (Part Three)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Idolatry derives from worshiping the work of our hands or thoughts rather than the true God. Whatever consumes our thoughts and behavior has become our idol.

The Global Environmental Ethic (Part Two)

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The eco-feminist worldview despises patriarchic religions, Judaism and Christianity, trying to replace them with an environmental earth-goddess worldview.