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Japan: Rising Tensions With China
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe history between Japan and China has been punctuated by periods of intense rivalry and hostility, and lately, tensions have ratcheted up once again.

Is China's Threat a Mirage?
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughA highly placed Chinese official made a point of telling the U.S. Treasury Secretary that China is no threat to the United States. This may be true—for now.
Population Trends in Asia (Part One): Charting Ups and Downs
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerThree events are taking place in Asia with an intensity never before witnessed in human history—at least not since the Flood. How might they affect us?
Population Trends in Asia (Part Three): Lots of Puppy-dog Tails
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerIn many traditional societies, boys are favored over girls; female infanticide is nothing new. However, ultrasound and cheap abortions have made it easier.
Chicken in the East China Sea
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughChina recently extended its Air Defense Identification Zone farther into the East China Sea, trying to find out if its neighbors will blink first.
Global Financial Instability
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbePredicting economic activity is about as tricky as forecasting the weather. Even so, the stage is set for economic instability around the world.
The Red Dragon: Rising or Falling?
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeBehind China's economic successes, technological progress and military advances are latent weaknesses that are set to converge soon.
A Threat in Central Asia
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughWe would be wise to keep an eye on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization over the next few years.

The Final Frontier?
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityThe space race began less than seventy years ago, and now humanity stands on the brink of space-based weaponry and its potential for disaster on Earth.

The Pragmatic Japanese
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughJapan has a history of abrupt changes in policy when the geopolitical situation alters against their self-interests. It is starting to do so once again.
Going Nuclear
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughDo not be distracted by the antics of rogue states, as they are somewhat predictable. The trick is not to miss the elephant in the living room.
Population Trends in Asia (Part Two): The Graying of Asia
CGG Weekly by Charles WhitakerOnly a catastrophe of biblical proportions could forestall the tendency for Asia's populations to age substantially between now and 2025.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part Two): Causes and Results of Rejecting True Values
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerWhat are the causes—moral, social, and technological—behind the new demographic realities? Perhaps more importantly, what will be their consequences?

Who Is America's Greatest Enemy?
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe United States stands weakened by worldwide conditions, but its foreign enemies cannot match its power. Its real foe lies much closer.

Slowly Sinking
'WorldWatch' by Joseph B. BaityRecently, the vaunted power of the American armed forces has begun to erode under weak and vacillating leadership, undermining its hegemony.
Birthrates in Decline
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughStatistics show that the birth rate for the Western nations has dropped below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman, sometimes significantly so.
The Big Lie (Part Two)
Commentary by Mark SchindlerOne of Satan's lies is that the time has come for civilization to jettison marriage, procreation, and the family as outmoded relics of a patriarchal past.
The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part One): Weeping for the Children Who Are Not
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerIt seems counter-intuitive to think that the world's population is shrinking, but trend lines show the possibility of a 95% reduction in population ahead.
Anti-Americanism Abroad
'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. RitenbaughGod prophesies that Israel will be conquered in the end time. Could anti-American sentiment, especially in Europe, be the beginning of the end?
Globalism (Part Two): The Tents of Shem
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerGlobalism is a fact of our age, but what ideas undergird it? Most of globalism's underlying principles have their origins in the Israelitish peoples.
Germany's Dilemma
'WorldWatch' by David C. GrabbeGermany is an industrial powerhouse, the richest economy in Europe, but it must prop up several poor-performing economies throughout the rest of the EU.
The Insatiable Seizing
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThe American family farm has become an endangered institution as business interests purchase parcels of land as investments, driving up prices.
Age of Empires
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughThe United States used to be the world's superpower and policeman. Today, however, new powers are rising to fill the vacuum created by America's retreat.
The Handwriting Is on the Wall (1995)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughBecause restraints that once held human nature in check have been removed, the US has grown increasingly more corrupt, approaching conditions before the Flood.
Liberal Lunacy (Part One)
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Progressive humanists are neither satisfied with God's standards nor common sense, but strive to replace them with something they deem to be 'better.'
The Fear Has Shifted
Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)A family, a company, or nation cannot keep spending beyond its means without consequences. It is illogical that we need to spend money to get out of debt.
Is America Being Re-Colonized?
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsThe debt compiled by the United States government is beginning to be collected by the Chinese, who have been buying up massive parcels of real estate.
No Children, No Hope For the Future
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsMany of the leaders in Europe do not have children; they are emblematic of the curse of barrenness. Western civilization has chosen death rather than life.
Globalism (Part Twelve): It Shall Never Be
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerThough the nations of this world are pushing for global economics and government, God's Word shows that mankind will NOT succeed.

I Versus We
'WorldWatch' by Richard T. RitenbaughOpposing worldviews, individualism and collectivism, fight for dominance in cultures worldwide. Their struggle may play a prominent role in the end time.
What Is Your Social Credit Ranking?
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsSocial scoring is the rating of a person's influence by such criteria as the number of social media followers. The effect will be to create a caste system.
The Final Straw
Commentary by Richard T. RitenbaughThe environmentalist warriors do not really want to save the planet so much as they want to promote group-think and global control.
Globalism (Part Eight): A Force for Conflict
'Prophecy Watch' by Charles WhitakerGlobalism, as it comes in contact with tribalism, often causes conflict because the two systems are incompatible. Such a collision is prophesied.