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The Last Throes of Capitalism

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Capitalism is based on the ability to own land, making it possible to produce wealth. In the new socialist economic system, we are becoming economic marionettes.

Is This How to Fix a Broken Economy?

'WorldWatch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

In the name of turning the economy around, the government is destroying American capitalism.

Biblical Finance

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Bible is not an economic text, but it does include financial principles that all should know and follow as well as they are able. Here are a few.

An Environmental Irony

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Socialist countries have polluted the environment far more than capitalist countries have. The environmentalist movement is a deplorable sham.

How Big Is

Commentary by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The number of billionaires in the world has risen 18% this last year.

In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster (Part Eleven)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Socialism is a cancerous evil, robbing from the productive and giving to the unproductive, destroying all incentives for growth or real productivity.

Set Up For Success

Sermonette by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Richard Ritenbaugh acknowledges that young people display a proclivity to accept socialism, oblivious to the horrendous damage socialist experiments have brought to the world. Politicians of the ilk of Bernie Sanders have fomented hatred toward capitalism by comparing it to an imaginary utopia. Economist Walter Williams insists …

How Was It Accomplished So Easily? (Part Two)

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Like the gullible German public in the time of Hitler is the equally gullible American electorate, oblivious to the calamity which will soon befall them.

Globalism (Part Two): The Tents of Shem

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

Globalism is a fact of our age, but what ideas undergird it? Most of globalism's underlying principles have their origins in the Israelitish peoples.

Was the Early Church Socialist or Communist?

Sermonette by David C. Grabbe

The apostles never required converts to give up property as a precondition for church membership. Rather, the members voluntarily gave, retaining ownership.

What We Don't Know

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

God promises to answer our requests with gifts that will unlock the shackles of ignorance, producing the confidence to live by faith while the world burns.

Globalism (Part One): Founded on Fear and Faithlessness

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

What is globalism? Where is it headed? Does it have a balancing counterpart? Who is driving it? What does it have to do with the prophecies of the end time?

Land of Milk and Honey

Sermonette by Ronny H. Graham

Jesus Christ will accomplish what no politician has ever been able to accomplish, to drain the putrid corrupt swamps of all failed man-made government.

Globalism (Part Eight): A Force for Conflict

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

Globalism, as it comes in contact with tribalism, often causes conflict because the two systems are incompatible. Such a collision is prophesied.

The Love of Money

Sermonette by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The context for the oft-misquoted 'money is the root of all evil' is a warning against ministers who wish to enrich themselves using the pretext of God's Word.

What to Do in Babylon

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

There is nothing to be desired in the Babylonish system, but we can grow spiritually in spite of the downward pulls.

Searching for Israel (Part Eleven): Manasseh Found

Article by Charles Whitaker

Jacob's prophecy in Genesis 48 promises that Manasseh will be a great nation. One nation in today's world is the unmistakable fulfillment of this prophecy.

Are We Already In Captivity?

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Major curses, including economic oppression, famine, pestilence, mental illness, alien invasion, the scattering of modern Israel are yet to occur.

Globalism (Part Nine): Running To and Fro

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

Globalism is a force to bring about widespread dispersions of peoples before the end to bring about 'the time of Jacob's trouble.'

Individualism and Unity

CGG Weekly

Rather than establishing the differences we possess, God requires individuals to strengthen and grow in our similarities that He establishes as desirable.

Demography Is Destiny

Commentary by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)

Population trends become reliable trends of future national consequences. We do not have a debt crisis as much as a death crisis.

The Zeitgeist of Suicide (Part Two): Causes and Results of Rejecting True Values

'Prophecy Watch' by Charles Whitaker

What are the causes—moral, social, and technological—behind the new demographic realities? Perhaps more importantly, what will be their consequences?