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Don't Go Out of the House!
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe term house can mean structure, family, kingdom, or church of God. The instruction to us personally is to not leave the church or fellowship of faith.
Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughJesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament types, slain as the Passover Lamb, resurrected with the cutting of the wavesheaf, and ascended to His Father at the time of the waving of the sheaf.
Don't Leave the House!
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAs part of Christ's body or household, we have a responsibility to stay attached to the spiritual organism and to respond to the head.
Passover (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe proponents of a 15th Passover discount clear scriptural details and instead speculate. One cannot build doctrines on implication, distortion, and traditions.
Go Not Out of the House
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFor Passover, Israel was commanded not to go out of their houses. This is also a warning to Christians when we understand the implications of the word 'house'.

Purge Me With Hyssop
Article by StaffThe Bible frequently uses the hyssop plant as a symbol of cleansing and purification. In relation to Christ's sacrifice, this herb has a connection to the Passover.
The First Day of Unleavened Bread (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughPassover takes place at twilight as the 14th of Abib begins. Unleavened Bread begins 24 hours later on the 15th of Abib. The Passover is a preparation day.

Holy Days: Passover
Bible Study by Earl L. HennPassover may be the most important festival ordained by God. Not only does it memorialize Christ's death, it also symbolizes our redemption and the covenant.
Truly Unleavened
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod has imputed righteousness to us as His Children because we are in Christ. Our state before God is unleavened provided we maintain this relationship.
Passover (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughSome believe in a late-14th Passover on the basis of II Chronicles 35:10-11, but this overlooks the context. The Passover was originally a home-based observance.
The Scepter, Duty, and the Days of Unleavened Bread
Sermon by Mark SchindlerGod has honored His promise to David that He would always provide a member of his family to sit on the throne of Judah. The heirs to David's scepter live today.
Matthew (Part Twenty-Three)
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. RitenbaughThe apostles' inability to drive out the demon teaches that faith is not a constant factor; it will deteriorate if it not exercised through prayer and fasting.
Places of Safety (Part One)
Sermonette by Ryan McClureGod see His Holy Days (include the weekly Sabbath) as typical places of safety. Such occasions foreshadow a time when the wolf and lamb dwell together.
The Covenants, Grace, and Law (Part Six)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughCircumcision is a token, sign, or seal that one was the heir of Abraham. No physical sign has the power to transfer righteousness to the doer.