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The Fear of Man Is a Snare
Commentary by David F. MaasA number of ministers of the greater church of God, forgetting that the fear of man is a snare, have yielded to pressure regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.
State of Fear
Sermonette by Ryan McClureAfter witnessing the Covid pandemic and several deaths, God's people have a fear of the possibility of an encore of these tragedies.
What Do You Fear? (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeFear can be broken down into two broad categories: the fear of God and the fear of everything else. If we fear God, we will not need to fear anything else.
Fearing God
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Kim MyersIf we fear our boss, college professor, employer, or spouse more than God, we are guilty of idolatry, putting human figures in the place of God.
The Elements of Motivation (Part One): Fear
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughEven though a Christian's potential is so wonderful, it is still necessary for God to motivate His children to reach it. This begins with the fear of God.
Overcoming Destructive Fear
Sermon by Clyde FinkleaJesus cautioned His disciples not to have any destructive fear. The worst fear of all is that which would cause us to deny Christ—namely, the fear of man.
The Fear of God
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughMany have inadvertently adopted a soft concept of God, disrespecting and showing contempt for God's authority and power. Godly fear is a gift of wisdom.
The Fear of God (Part Three)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughAfter the Spirit of God is imparted, removing the fear of men and installing the life-sustaining fear of God, the real dramatic growth takes place.
The Healing of a Man Born Blind (Part Three)
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe must accept that there are some things for which we do not know the answer, and not all the things we 'know' are necessarily true.
Standing Up for God
Article by StaffStanding up against the majority is never easy, but as Christians, we have been called to do just that. We need to grow in courage until we are bold as a lion.
What's Wrong With the Kids?
Sermonette by Mike FordA major factor of the snowflake syndrome is the self-esteem movement, which has brainwashed young people into thinking they were unique and special.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Seven)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughThe church of God is not immune to the deterioration of doctrine. Minor deviations from doctrine bring about irreparable, disastrous consequences.
Elements of Motivation (Part One)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughFearing God leads to a determination not to bring shame on God's name or offending and hurting the relationship between God and us.
Peer-Pressure: A Challenge for All
Article by StaffThough the Bible does not use the term 'peer pressure', it teaches us not to conform to our peers but to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
Safety in the Wrong Place
Commentary by Martin G. CollinsPentagon and government officials vainly regard man-made underground burrows as their 'place of safety' in the event of nuclear holocaust.

Beware of Hypocrisy
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsIn the gospel accounts, the Pharisees receive the lion's share of Christ's correction for their blatant hypocrisy, and they have become a byword for it.
Gideon's 300
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGideon incrementally moved from a position of weakness and fear to a position of strength and valor as he increasingly started to trust in God to give victory.
The Elijah Syndrome
Sermonette by David C. GrabbeElijah fell into a dilemma of either fearing God or fearing man, and ended up fearing Jezebel rather than God, thinking he was alone in his zeal for God.
Are We Ready To Enter The Promised Land?
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe may not be troubled by giants or enemy nations, but we have trials of similar magnitude. We dare not behave as the timid spies, but live with boldness.
Joseph of Arimathea
Article by Mike FordJoseph of Arimathea has always been a shadowy figure among the well-known personages of the Bible. Here is clarity on this important disciple's life.
Deuteronomy (Part 2) (1994)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by John W. RitenbaughDeuteronomy, which is to be reviewed every seven years, provides us with vision and instruction for living in our spiritual Promised Land.
Numbers (Part One): Journey in the Desert
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughGod never says the Christian life would be easy or that life would always be fair. Difficulties and tests are given to test our hearts and promote humility.
Does Doctrine Really Matter? (Part Four)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughEven with Christ's sacrifice, God does not owe us salvation. We are called to walk, actively putting to death our carnal natures, resisting the complacency.