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Isaac and the Day of Small Things

Sermon by Charles Whitaker (1944-2021)

Isaac did not play what historians might judge to be a significant role on the world's stage, yet kept the faith, never despising the day of small things.

Isaac the Peacemaker

Sermonette by Ted E. Bowling

Isaac was a genuine peacemaker, yielding to interlopers and suffering wrong while trusting God to provide. In all his actions, Isaac exemplified a peacemaker.


Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

The name Isaac—'laughter'—suggests his optimistic disposition, someone not afflicted by fear and doubt. Isaac serves as a type of Christ, honoring his father.

Four Views of Christ (Part 1)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

In the typology of the four living creatures (Revelation 4:6-8) lies the foundation for understanding the gospels as four representations of the same Life.

Abraham's One God

Article by Mike Ford

The first commandment sets the stage for understanding Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. God wanted to know: Would Abraham put Him first and have no other god?

Abraham's Sacrifice (Part Two): Love Exemplified

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The love of Abraham for Isaac serves as an emblem for the love of the Father for His Son and for all the children of Adam and Eve.

Our Complete, Whole Burnt Offering

Sermonette by Bill Onisick

Our patriarch Abraham, when God tested him by asking him to sacrifice Isaac, knew that God will provide regardless of the cost of the sacrifice.

Abraham's Sacrifice (Part Three): Hope Demonstrated

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Abraham's resolute intent to sacrifice Isaac displayed his unreserved devotion to God's purpose for him. We must display the same kind of tenacity.

Abraham's Sacrifice (Part Four): Providence Manifested

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac encourages God's people that they need never doubt God commitment and ability to give them everything they need.

Abraham (Part Twelve)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Based on his long friendship with God, Abraham could systematically calculate the reliability of God's promises even in the lack of visual evidence.

Will You Marry Me? (Part One)

Article by Staff

The Bible is full of marriage symbolism. We have been invited to participate in the very Marriage Supper of Jesus Christ—not just as a guest, but as the Bride!

Resistance (Part Three): Persistence

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The elite athlete is the one with the gritty persistence and tenacity to fight on regardless of the obstacles, wanting nothing to do with mediocrity.

Abraham (Part Eleven)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

If we hold fast to principles, though it may seem initially uncomfortable and fearful, we will eventually receive respect and even admiration.

The Third Day (Part Two)

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

As a biblical motif, the third day indicates a colossal turn-around from hopelessness to victory. The third day revival motif recurs throughout Scripture.

John (Part Twenty-Seven)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Jesus Christ remained totally in control of the events of His trial, including His own prediction that He would be crucified under Roman law.