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Does God Forbid All Images?

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Made in God's image, human beings have the same drive to imagine, create, innovate, and express their designs in the works of their hands.

Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Part One): 'Head of Gold'

'Prophecy Watch' by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Nebuchadnezzar's image has always held a fascination with students of Bible prophecy. What do the various parts mean? How does it relate to the end time?

Words Versus Images

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Spiritually, relying on images leads to shallowness of thought at best and idolatry at its worst. Virtually everything we know about God comes through words.

The Second Commandment

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Human nature tries to limit God to the confines of physical objects. Men fabricate images, called idols, to aid them in worshiping a god they have concocted.

God of the Pigeonhole

CGG Weekly by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

To see God as accurately as possible, we must refrain from drawing a too-simple mental picture of His nature. We must be continually expanding our conception of Him.

A Picture Against a Thousand Words

CGG Weekly

A fundamental difference exists between images and language, and by understanding the difference, we can understand the second commandment's importance.

Should a Christian Own Pictures and Statues of Jesus (Exodus 20:4)?

Bible Questions & Answers

The second commandment prohibits the use of anything that represents God. This directly prohibits any likeness of Jesus Christ's person.

The Commandments (Part Three)

Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh

Idolatry derives from worshiping the work of our hands or thoughts rather than the true God. Whatever consumes our thoughts and behavior has become our idol.

The Second Commandment: Idolatry

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

The natural mind craves something physical to remind us of God, but the Second Commandment prohibits this. Any representation will fall short of the reality.

Keep Yourself From Idols

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

An idol is anything in our lives that occupies the space which should be occupied by God alone, anything having a controlling force in our lives.

Searching for Israel (Part Six): Israel Is Fallen, Is Fallen

Article by Charles Whitaker

After 200 years of rejecting Davidic rule, Israel fell to Assyria, and its people were carried to Media. Judah lasted about 150 years longer.

The Six-Pointed Occult Symbol

Commentary by Martin G. Collins

The so-called 'star of David' has its origins in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian paganism. The hexagram star is associated with occultism.

Guard Against Being an Abomination to God

Sermon by Kim Myers

An abomination is anything God hates, including idolatry, diverse weights, uncleanness, sorcery, a proud look, a lying tongue, and the shedding of innocent blood.

God and Reality

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

What God puts us through is designed to reveal reality to us. Accepting His doctrine without looking for loopholes will keep us true.

Imagining the Garden of Eden (Part One)

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The imagination enables mankind to envision both beneficial and harmful purposes. Imagination is a gift from God that can be used positively or negatively.