Sermonette: The Apostle Thomas


Given 05-Mar-94; 14 minutes


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Thought the apostle Thomas has some negative associations (i.e. 'Doubting Thomas'), he also has positive, admirable traits which we should emulate. Though Thomas was pessimistic, when he saw what he was supposed to do, he did so without hesitating, as demonstrated by his urging the disciples to follow Jesus to Judea before the resurrection of Lazarus, even at the peril of their lives. When Thomas did not understand, he asked questions, seeking instructions how to do what he was supposed to do. Even though he had a skeptical, show-me approach, needing rock-solid proof, he totally embraced the truth, believing with all his might. Like Thomas, we are all skeptical disciples, but should enthusiastically embrace our belief, acting upon it, after we are convicted.

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