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Did the Thief on the Cross Go to Heaven with Jesus Christ (Luke 23:43)?
Bible Questions & AnswersJesus said He would be in the grave 3 days and 3 nights after His crucifixion. Given that, could the thief have been with Christ in Paradise that very day?
Did Christ's Resurrection Change the Day of Worship? (Part Two)
CGG Weekly by David C. GrabbeThe timing of Jesus Christ's resurrection has nothing to do with establishing which day God made holy, and everything to do with whether He is the Messiah.
Was Jesus Resurrected on Easter Sunday?
'Ready Answer' by StaffWhen did Jesus rise from the tomb? The world - because of tradition - says Sunday, but the Bible reveals the only possible timing of His resurrection.
Proofs of Christ's Resurrection
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThere is more corroboration of evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ and His life experiences than that regarding Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar.
Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughJesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament types, slain as the Passover Lamb, resurrected with the cutting of the wavesheaf, and ascended to His Father at the time of the waving of the sheaf.
Christ's Responsibility, Resurrections, and All in All
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughChrist's resurrection was bodily. He will destroy death before returning control back to the Father, at which time the entire creation would be all in all.
Raising Our Conception of the Resurrection
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughWe must be careful not to be satisfied with the basic truth that Jesus was resurrected, for if we do, we miss the magnificence and significance of the event.
The Resurrection: A Central Pillar
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughChrist's resurrection is of paramount importance to us, because Jesus alone has the keys to our own resurrection and eternal life as firstfruits.
Was Jesus Dead?
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletCan God die? Was Jesus really dead, or did only His body die? Was Jesus the Divine One alive during the three days and three nights a body was in the tomb?
The Resurrection Was Not on Sunday
Herbert W. Armstrong BookletJesus said He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb, but that is impossible in a Friday crucifixion, Sunday resurrection scenario. Here's the biblical truth.
Jesus and 'the Spirits in Prison'
'Ready Answer' by Richard T. RitenbaughPeter's statement that Jesus 'preached to the spirits in prison' has baffled many a Bible student. The traditional interpretation is woefully off-base.
Basic Doctrines: The First Resurrection
Bible Study by Martin G. CollinsThe doctrine of resurrection is a chief teachings of Christianity. For those called and chosen in this age, the first resurrection is especially vital.
Resurrection AD 31
'Ready Answer' by StaffMatthew 27:52 informs us that more than one resurrection occurred during Passover week in AD 31. Here is what we can glean from the Bible about this miracle.
Consequences of Resurrection and Ascension
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughNeither Christmas or Easter appear in the Feasts of the Lord, but we find plenty of emphasis on the resurrection and ascension of Christ in the Holy Days.
His Body, His Blood, and His Resurrection
Sermonette by Clyde FinkleaThere are three components to Christ's composite sacrifice for our salvation: His death through the shedding of His blood, His body, and His resurrection.
The Resurrection From the Dead
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughOur lives revolve around the hope of a resurrection from the dead. Hope, deriving from Christ's resurrection, gives faith and love impetus and energy.
Four Views of Christ (Part 7)
Sermon by John W. RitenbaughOur lives parallel what Christ experienced: crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and glorification. The death of self must precede resurrection and glory.
Suffering Disgrace For Christ's Name
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsWe can always expect new challenges, including persecution, and must never be content with standing still, but must press on to spiritual maturity.
Knowing, Following, and Striving for Christ
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsOur goal is to know Christ on a personal basis, knowing the power of His resurrection. This knowledge should be a practical understanding of His power.
Approaching God Through Christ (Part Seven)
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughWe have access to a Trailblazer, who has gone before us to show us the way. The only way can have fellowship with the Father is through Jesus Christ.
The False Christ Deception
Sermon by Martin G. CollinsA new lie alleges that a tomb has been found with the remains of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and their alleged son Judah. It may undermine the faith of many.
Post-Resurrection Lessons
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughOn the Road to Emmaus, some of Christ's followers were agitated, confused, and in turmoil, being unable to put the scriptures and the physical facts together.
'After Three Days'
Booklet by Richard T. RitenbaughA scriptural explanation of the time of Christ's death, burial and resurrection, showing that He died on a Wednesday and rose from the dead on the Sabbath.
James Cameron's Lost Integrity
CGG Weekly by Richard T. RitenbaughJames Cameron's controversial documentary, The Lost Tomb of Jesus, reveals alleged evidence that archeologists had found the actual tomb of Jesus' family.
Chronic Difficulties
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughHuman tradition and Bible truth regarding the timing of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection do not square. Here is the overwhelming chronological evidence.
The Third Day (Part Two)
Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughAs a biblical motif, the third day indicates a colossal turn-around from hopelessness to victory. The third day revival motif recurs throughout Scripture.
He Lives, We Live
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughRedemption is useless to mortal beings without God's gift of eternal life (I Corinthians 15:19), which God made possible through Christ's resurrection.
Disproving Hell
Sermon/Bible Study by Richard T. RitenbaughMost of Protestant and Catholic theology is immersed in pagan concepts of hell, reinforced by Dante's Inferno. Here is what the Bible says, without tradition.
Our Bread of Life
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughThe world is confused on the timing of Christ's death and resurrection. It becomes clear by a proper understanding of the holy days, preparation days, and Sabbaths.
Trumpets and Hope
Sermon by Richard T. RitenbaughOur hope is founded on Jesus rising from the dead. If there is no resurrection, our faith is worthless; if Christ did not rise, we are still under condemnation.
The Wavesheaf Offering
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughMost know little about the wavesheaf offering, even though it represents one of the most significant acts: the resurrection and ascension of Christ!
'Being Seen of Them Forty Days'
Sermon by Mark SchindlerOn the 40th day on the count to Pentecost, Jesus ascended. The details of His activity before His ascension have not received the focus they should.
Death of a Lamb
Article by StaffSince the church no longer keeps the Passover with the slaughter of a lamb, we miss important and poignant details that could enhance our observance.
Fully Man and Fully God? (2001)
'Personal' from John W. RitenbaughThe Bible records that Jesus of Nazareth's Father was God and His mother was Mary, a human. What, then, was His nature? Was He a man? Was He divine?
We Shall Be God
Sermon/Bible Study by John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)Though it may sound pretentious or even blasphemous, God's Word shows that we will become literal offspring of the Eternal God, sharing His name and nature.