
playlist Go to the Riches, Spiritual (topic) playlist

How to Become Rich

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

God does not measure prosperity by the ownership of physical possessions but with the depth of a person's relationship with Him.

Does God Want You to be Rich?

'Ready Answer' by Staff

Laodiceans think of themselves as rich, while God sees them as poor. But Smyrnans see themselves as poor, yet God says they are rich! What are true riches?

Spiritual Food Satisfies

Sermonette by Martin G. Collins

Those who view religion as a life of gloom and deprivation are too short-sighted to realize that the world's entertainments do not satisfy the deepest need.

A Brief Overview of Biblical Prosperity

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

In Proverbs 30:7-9, Agur asks God to cushion him from the extremes of poverty or excessive wealth, allowing himself to live a balanced life of contentment.

Parable of the Treasure

Bible Study by Martin G. Collins

Jesus' Parable of the Treasure in Matthew 6:19-21 is designed to get us to evaluate the relative values of material wealth and 'treasures in heaven.'

Prosperity's Consequences

Sermon by Martin G. Collins

Prosperity is not always an emblem of God's approval. God will not prosper us if it would cause spiritual damage, insulating us from seeking His kingdom.

Money, Control and Sacrifice (2015)

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

In the important things in life, money is powerless. Wealth cannot buy forgiveness, eternal life, or God's Spirit. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath.

Eternal Paradoxes

Sermonette by Martin G. Collins

We must learn to be content to be weak and powerless, realizing that, when we are poor in spirit, we receive power from God's Holy Spirit.

Poor in Spirit (1997)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

Being poor in spirit is a foundational spiritual state for qualifying for God's Kingdom. Poor in spirit describes being acutely aware of one's dependency.

Aim for Productivity

Sermonette by John W. Ritenbaugh

We must strive to bear spiritual fruit efficiently and productively. Material well-being is not as good a measure of fruitfulness as is the use of God's gifts.

The Relationship Deficit (Part Three)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

In Laodicea, the people judge, but they are judging according to themselves. They are not seeking the will of Christ, and thus their judgment is distorted.

Do You Have Enough Oil? (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

While the indwelling of God's Spirit certainly produces abundance, it is more accurate to say that oil and the Holy Spirit are often parallel, not equivalent.

Increased With Goods

Sermonette by James Beaubelle

The Laodicean congregation had a penchant toward materialism, which sidetracked them from their primary goal of following Christ.

The Seven Churches (Part Four): Smyrna

Bible Study by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Jesus Christ's letter to the church in Smyrna contains a rarity among the seven churches: He levels no criticism! What makes the Smyrnans so acceptable?

I Know Your Works

Feast of Tabernacles Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Contrary to Protestant understanding, our works emphatically do count - showing or demonstrating (not just telling) that we will be obedient.

What Does God Really Want? (Part 5)

Sermon by John W. Ritenbaugh

What God really wants is for us to see things from His point of view, making the right choices, striving to build character, developing into His image.

The Relationship Deficit (Part Two)

CGG Weekly by David C. Grabbe

Christ is uncertain how much the Laodiceans really desire what He has offered them. Other things are competing for their attention. Will they open the door?

Smyrna: Faithful Until Death

'Prophecy Watch' by David C. Grabbe

The biblical city of Smyrna may be one that many know the least about. The city's name reveals the themes that the Head of the church wants us to understand.

Letters to Seven Churches (Part Three): Smyrna

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

Christ prepared the members of Smyrna for martyrdom, promising them eternal glory for enduring a relatively short time, looking at things from a hopeful perspective.


Sermon by John O. Reid

Many people live in a state of discontent. Tragically, what they set their hearts upon often displaces the love for family and a relationship with God.

Letters to Seven Churches (Part Eleven): Laodicea

Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh

The Laodiceans fail to reciprocate Christ's love for them. The comfort of prosperity blinded them to their spiritual condition, especially their need for Christ.