Commentary: Evolution Weekend

Secular Humanism on the Move

Given 18-Feb-12; 12 minutes


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Evolution Sunday or Evolution Weekend is a convocation of Robert Stevens to honor the birthday of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, wherein he calls on religious authorities to recant their belief of the scriptural account of creation and accept Darwin's theory and the 'scientific' explanation for creation. A number of clergy from 'enlightened' churches have initiated a Clergy Letter Project, affirming their faith in scientific explanation as opposed to the 'unenlightened biblical explanation.' The main problem for faith in evolution is that man's span of life is a little over 70 years, while the origin of life goes back thousands of years, a time span which is well beyond the purview of science in the best of conditions. Jesus Christ affirmed the scriptural account of the creation as well as the flood. To believe evolution is to deny Christ. Though the perpetrators of Evolution Sunday and Evolution Weekend and the Clergy Letter Project attempt to characterize their efforts as representing a vast number of clergy, in truth the 13,000 participants, largely leftist, secular progressive, homosexual, feminist, Episcopal, Unitarian-Universalist, Moslem, and secular Jewish groups, do not even constitute 2% of the 500,000 total estimated clergy currently in the United States. Evolution Sunday or Evolution Weekend hardly qualifies as a "flash in the pan."

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