Commentary: Mightier Than the Sword (Part Twenty)


Given 24-Oct-15; 11 minutes


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Although Charles Darwin was a racist and a mentally-ill sadist, nevertheless his influence is titanic, outstripping not only the influence of every other philosopher who as ever lived as well as the influence of the Holy Bible. Before his writings (now thoroughly debunked by responsible scientists) filtered into the university curriculum, only a modicum of scientists claimed to be atheists. That number has shot up exponentially over the last hundred years or so. Even though most of modern science have rejected his scientific conclusions (no missing link joining one species to another species has ever been found), modern science did not reject his atheism. Higher education, thoroughly contaminated by the theory of evolution, has filled young skulls with the mush of anti-God progressive humanism. Even in church-related colleges, less than 1% maintain a God-centered educational program.


Charles Darwin was agnostic, racist, mentally ill, and a sadist. One wonder how such a person could have influence upon anybody of intellectual or moral stature in the entire world. Despite these seeming hindrances, his influence is titanic.

At first exposure to him when The Origin of the Species he authored was first published, those buying the book didn’t know these things. However, even after they became known, his influence never waned. Apparently, people didn’t care. In fact, according to multiple 20th century polls, Charles Darwin is considered the most influential person in the world.

It is intriguing to know that Protestantism, especially during the times of the Reformation, produced many outstanding leaders such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and many others. None of them had character flaws such as Charles Darwin and none of them has anywhere near his lasting influence. In fact, what they produced in terms of religious systems are today declining while Darwin’s influence continues growing.

Why is Darwin the patron saint of the masses, with people following his lead though they barely grasp in an understanding way what he wrote? Why do they look after him with such ardent affection even over 150 years since his writings were published?

The lives of billions of people around the world, but most especially in the Western world, were radically changed by him. It not is wrong to say that he has affected the lives of virtually every person alive on earth today, though most are unaware. His writings have touched people through educational, cultural, religious, business, and political institutions that in turn touch the individual’s life. Godlessness prevails in schools, classrooms, media, entertainment, and politics.

Even for people who regularly attend church, God is growing ever more distant. People may even use the term "Creator," but fewer and fewer of them really look closely enough at the creation in order to see God’s fingerprints are all over it.

The website conducted a poll amongst hundreds of thousands of its readers. The respondents rated The Origin of the Species as the most influential book in history, outranking the Bible, the Koran, and even Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

Consider the following statistics, which I will given in a "before and after" manner: Before Darwin as compared to after Darwin: Before Darwin, fewer than .2% claimed to be atheists. After Darwin—this is in the United States of America—in 2012, 21.35% are atheist. Over 100 times greater.

But there is more to learn from that survey because, in Britain alone, the figure was 36% of those between the ages of 18-34 claimed to be atheists and 63.3% of all Brits, male and female, claimed to be not religious at all.

In the United States in 1850 (that’s before Darwin), not a single scientist was a self-described atheist. But in 2005, 52% of scientists in a survey conducted by National Opinion Research center of Chicago said they had no religious affiliation, compared to 14% of the general population. You begin to see that the more educated that a person is in the universities, the more likely he or she is to be an atheist.

Again in the United States, in 2006, it was reported that 93% of the National Science Academy members declared themselves atheists. In 2007, a Pew Research study showed a huge increase of atheists when listed by birth year. Watch atheism rise according to birth year:

If one was born before 1946 (that's me), 5% of the population claimed to be atheist. If one was born between 1946 and 1964, 11% claim atheism. If one was born between 1965 and 1976, 14% claimed atheism. If born after 1977, 19% claimed atheism.

In a study by Cornell University of 151 of the leading evolutionary biologists in the United States, 98.7% had no religious affiliation whatever.

Let’s add one more interesting factor to the picture these polls are painting for us. Remember, we are talking about the leadership of this nation. This factor is that in an overall sense, most of modern scientists have rejected very many of the scientific conclusions that Darwin reported in his findings in The Origin of the Species because further investigations revealed his conclusions were not correct. What this means in practical application is they have severed themselves from him and his book, but they are still atheists.

One of the clearest examples is that no “missing links” have ever been found in any category. It is not just in the "human progression," it is in any category. Now, they keep "finding" things that they claim are "missing links," but what happens is that in the course of time and experimentation, even the scientists say "it can't happen."

What is it telling us? First is that the media is on the same side in their reporting as the evolutionists. They don’t believe in God, either, so they don’t question fairly. The second is that virtually the entire population of this nation is running from any sincere commitment to God because their minds are already prejudiced against God because from birth their minds have received an anti-God education.

What this has resulted in is that Darwin received public acclaim he did not rightly earn. Others before him paved the way for his book’s acceptance, and because of the timing of the publishing of his book in the presence of a public prepared to receive it, the undeserved acclaim was given to him. "Don't tell me the facts; let me pat him on the back anyway."

I have mentioned education a couple of times in this commentary. Are you aware that of the thousands of colleges and universities in this nation, a mere 1% maintain a God-centered educational program? In addition, of the 110 Christian universities in America where faith is supposedly strongest, only about one half teach creationism and actually directly oppose evolutionary Darwinism. These are in the church-run schools.

God-willing, my next commentary will center on John Dewey, who was strongly influenced by Darwin. Perhaps we’ll find a small part of the reason why higher education is in the state it is.


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