Commentary: In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster (Part One)
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 19-Dec-15; 12 minutes
In the wake of unnatural disasters, such as bombs and military attacks, people become dispirited, listless, as though they had lost their reason for living. Sadly, what has happened to our socio-cultural milieu in the past 70 years has been a systematic undermining of morality, and a bizarre redefinition by leftist, progressive social engineers as to what constitutes normal and as to what constitutes abnormal. In this nation five unelected judges, three of them bitter feminist women, have, at least in their woefully deficient, reprobate minds, nullified or abrogated God's Edenic Covenant with mankind, which established marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. Earlier these reprobate justices rejected God's prohibition on murder, allowing abortion of millions of unborn children. These amoral, secular, 'progressive' humanists have made themselves total arbiters of morality, pushing a hopelessly twisted form of pragmatism, thinking they have no accountability beyond this current life. We cannot expect the current compromised, corrupted aggregate of pandering elected politicians to be in sync with God. What the secular, 'progressive' humanists have not factored into their equation is that God is still alive, and that there are consequences for what they and we have done. God Almighty, not the United States Supreme Court, will have the final say in this matter.
I fully intended that this commentary be the final one of the "Mightier Than the Sword" series. However, as I was writing that commentary, I began to envision another series commenting on what has literally happened to alter life, and dealing with the effects of a disaster—a very unnatural disaster. The title of this series is going to be, "In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster."
I have never literally experienced a hurricane or tornado, but I have experienced seeing the after-effects of many of these powerful storms in television news programs. I can recall vivid pictures of almost unimaginable devastation of homes reduced to nothing more than junk from which little can be salvaged. Not just were homes destroyed, the devastation from those destructive forces were strewn with abandon over the path of the storms. No longer were the homes neatly arranged in alignment with the streets. In fact, even the streets became little more than depositories for the debris.
The people were moving about, searching hopelessly through the piles of trash that were formerly the home they lived in, in a seemingly dispirited state. They used terminology like, “Its all gone; everything we owned, everything we worked for, has either been blown away or is damaged beyond recovery.” It makes one ask himself how much hope was lost. Did people lose reasons for living?
One of the things that struck my mind as I was writing this is that I have also seen pictures of areas that were thoroughly bombed during warfare. There was a major difference that I can remember: In the bombed-out scenes, nobody was wandering around attempting to reclaim anything of what was lost. The remains of the buildings were standing like so many shells, empty and mute testimonies of a devastation that was more or less expected to happen during warfare. A natural disaster is unexpected. They abruptly happen without warning. There is little or no time to prepare; one is either ready or not. If not prepared, the losses seem to me far more emotionally traumatic.
I gave the "Mightier Than the Sword" commentaries for two major reasons. One is that the commentaries gave us a historical setting that we might more clearly grasp that what is happening in our lives now is a deliberately planned and executed attack on the existing order of life.
I wanted us to grasp that what has happened didn’t just arise out of the ground overnight. I want us to appreciate with sober seriousness the deadly intent of the enemy of God and of us. It took centuries of preparation to bring the Israelitish countries—especially—to this social system we now live in; a system that has massive potential to make life very difficult for us, even deadly.
Morally, and therefore socially and politically, this nation has, in the past 70 years, undergone massive changes in its moral, social, and political structure. We are living through a comprehensive redefinition of life, love, liberty, and the very meaning of right and wrong.
We are living right in the midst of a moral revolution as it is wreaking it disastrous aims. At this time, it appears to me so entrenched as the way of life in this nation that if Jesus Christ does not return soon, none of us are going to live long enough to see what we now live in changed.
The people who have managed to effect the changes in the moral values and the standards of governance of this nation are firmly entrenched in positions of power within this nation. They aren’t going to give up what they have gained, but are going to press forward toward total domination in every aspect of behavior and lifestyle.
I want you to think about what you have just witnessed in the past one year—just one event. For 6,000 years, since God created Adam and Eve, marriage has always been defined by every civilization on earth as the legal union of a man and woman only. Who established that standard? God did.
Marriage—of a man and woman only—is the major social foundation upon which every society has been built regardless of whom that civilization actually, literally worshipped as God. And now, it's gone! In this nation, five unelected people—three of them women, which I personally find to especially interesting—took it upon themselves to wipe that godly standard aside as if it were nothing.
The moral revolution is now so complete that those who will not join it are understood by those in power to be deficient, intolerant, and harmful to the well-being of society in the United States of America. What was previously understood to be moral is now celebrated by those in power as immoral.
With this new vastly immoral standard in place, what does the future hold? Those in power, the elite, are the human fruit of the destructive-to-morals philosophies of those who preceded them in laying the spiritual and moral foundations for our present day and age. Those philosophers and many others rejected God and His way of life.
We commonly call today’s leadership humanists. They have made the philosopher’s teachings their standards, meaning that their highest authority regarding spirituality and morality is themselves. In addition to sweeping God aside in people’s minds as not needed, they are completely secularized.
Secularism is different from humanism. It means their entire life is centered on "right now." They do not believe they are going to stand before God to be judged by Him. To them, there is no future to reckon with. The only thing that matters to them is this present time in their life. What this means in spiritual terms is that we are being led by people from whom we can have no expectation of true spiritual faith and no fear of God.
Do not misunderstand: This does not mean they will not invoke God if they see the need to do so to further strengthen themselves before the people. It does not mean they will have no moral standards whatever. However, those moral standard will be their own, not God’s.
Humanists and secularists become masters at pragmatism. That is, they will do whatever they believe is in their best interests at any given time. They will not guide their life according to the unchanging law of the unchanging God, but will invariably resort to whatever is best for them at the moment according to their standard. This means that present conditions will only intensify.
Very simply, they can’t be trusted to be in alignment with God and what we, as God’s children, believe. Therefore, nothing will change for the better until God Himself moves to change things.
This may seem weird, but this is not a hopeless situation. God is still alive. Given all the circumstance concerning alternatives, it is best that it be this way. Despite what they think, God lives, and God is the ultimate in judgment, including His timing of things. Our faith must be firmly anchored in what we know of Him, including most of all His gracious character and purpose.