Commentary: In the Wake of an Unnatural Disaster (Part Eight)
John W. Ritenbaugh (1932-2023)
Given 05-Mar-16; 11 minutes
The ministers in the Corinthian congregation may not have introduced false concepts to the people, but the membership, steeped in worldly philosophy, thoroughly twisted and misapplied the messages, adjusting them to the popular philosophical fad of the time. Similarly, in our time, our citizenry has been duped by noxious, philosophical concepts inspired by Satan, foisted onto the leaders of governmental and educational institutions, who have surreptitiously corrupted and poisoned the curricula of our public schools. Today, massively large segments of the population have no idea what right and wrong is. Murder is accepted as normal, if the one being murdered is helpless and the young female is exercising her woman's 'right' to choose. Dr. Carolyn Paine entered the abortion field with enthusiastic alacrity, having no compunction about the butchery of a helpless human beings by manual vacuum aspiration abortion, "a feel-good procedure," sucking the fetal mass out of the uterus as though it were a piece of garbage. As these eager, dutiful ObGyns practice their craft, their consciences are irreparably seared. MVA (a variety of murder) is seen as a way of removing the unwanted consequence of fornication or adultery, or destroying the consequences of committing adultery with a more 'humane' murder, thereby breaking two of God's Commandments without 'guilt.' Dr. Paine considers her ghoulish craft fair to children and to society. Paradoxically, those children Dr. Paine has murdered would be welcome in the homes of many childless couples. This calloused ObGyn, in reality, cares nothing about the welfare of society, but only in her own. Murder is not a part of the repertoire of Christian behavior.
I, too, am going to be drawing on David Grabbe's sermonette last week ["The Fifth Teacher"] just very briefly here at the beginning, in which he was warning us of false prophets, using I Corinthians as his basis. However, the false prophets were in reality in the world and under Satan. The ministry of that congregation gave no evidence within Paul’s writing that the ministry in that congregation were the ones who were guilty. However, the members of the congregation were listening to the good messages they were hearing, but making not-so-subtle adjustment in their own minds as to what the literal teaching given by the local ministry was. It was being twisted after hearing a good message. The adjustment had its basis in what world thought and what the people were bringing into the church with them.
That is the very reason I have given these long series of commentaries. The first of those series ["Mightier Than the Sword"] concentrated on the misdirection originating in Satan, using the philosophers who in turned passed their misdirection on to the educated leadership, primarily in Europe. The second wave of this educational misdirection occurred when the leadership in government, university education, corporate businesses and then all the way down to public school high school and elementary school educators passed their false doctrines very widely on to the public.
My second series is giving you examples from today’s news sources of how effectively the immorality these leaders taught has caught on. A very large percentage of the population seems to have no idea of what is right and wrong.
An example is that outright murder is now legal in America as long as the one killed is very young and small, unable to defend themselves and it is convenient for any of a number of reasons to the person giving permission for the murder, who is almost invariably a female. Sometimes the father has absolutely no say so whatever regarding the murder, and sometime the female giving permission for the murder is, in realty, not much more than a child herself.
Last week I gave you a report of an OB/GYN doctor who considers herself a Christian. You would think such a person with that linkage would have some sense about right and wrong. She is really twisted regarding what she considers righteousness. It makes me wonder whether Carolyn Payne’s goal in life is to honor her Creator in every aspect of her life. Her defense of herself regarding abortion gives the impression her goal is to encourage more sin through crimes against the most innocent of humans. Hold on, because her article gets even worse than what I gave you last week. Again quoting her article:
To us, abortion training was something we advocated for in medical school, and actively sought out in our residency training programs. To us, abortion training was exciting, because it meant we were developing the skills necessary to provide women with safe reproductive healthcare.
To many of us, the decision to receive training in abortion wasn’t “agonizing” at all, as a recent corresponding piece in Yahoo Health described. Rather, providing our first MVA (manual vacuum aspiration abortion) was a “feel good procedure,” because we had successfully performed an intervention that changed a woman’s life for the better.
An MVA is a procedure that forcibly sucks a living, but not yet born, human being from its mother’s womb. She described it, as the one operating the vacuum instrument, as a "feel good procedure" because it changed a woman’s life for the better. It felt good to her to murder a living human being to its death by means of suction. Those are her own words. That described how deeply her conscience is seared by the repeated abortions she’s performed.
Abortion has absolutely nothing to do with “women’s reproductive health.” That is a euphemism used by people in the media. It is simply a killing business that arose to provide a convenience for those who don’t want to be burdened with the cost of their sin that may have occurred through fornication or adultery. Or because of the pregnancy it was going to hinder her rise in the business world, thus making her less able to compete with men for the better paying jobs.
To further justify her murderous spirit, Ms. Payne also appeals to those she murders who had absolutely no say in what she did. She says, “And most importantly, I think it is fair to children, that they are born into a world where they are wanted, and loved, and cared for, and have the resources they need to thrive. I think abortion is a social good and a tremendous way in which physicians can contribute to a more socially just world.”
Do you see how twisted the thinking has gotten? "Fair to children"? Would Ms. Payne think it fair if someone sucked her brains out and tore her limbs off? Of course, everyone wants children to be loved, but the fact of the matter is that there are literally thousands of married couples who would adopt those precious little ones. Wouldn’t those children that Ms. Payne murders and dismembers with pride be loved by those married couples? Ms. Payne is, by biblical standards, showing hatred not love for those she so coldly and callously murders. The twisting is incredible.
Let’s face this honestly from a Christian point of view because she is nothing more than a hired killer, a hit woman, as it were, who in reality cares nothing for any life other than her own. Ms. Payne is either a murderer or she is a Christian. With the mindset she demonstrates, she can’t be both. But she thinks she is, and she may very well be comforted by that thought. There is not a thread of repentance shown in her testimony. Perhaps the most serious aspect of this is that statistical trends continue to show that this sort of immoral mindset is gradually increasing in terms of a percentage of the population.
This nation never was truly Christian, but at its founding and for well over a hundred years following that event, the population generally adhered to Christian morality. That custom is gone, never to return until Christ returns.
In the meanwhile, don’t let your guard down. Don’t allow yourself to be persuaded by the likes of Ms. Payne. Be on the defensive, holding tightly to the wisdom of God you are learning. Don’t let the ways this world impinge on your clear conscience in any area of obedience.