Commentary: Massive Immigration, Few Controls


Given 05-Aug-17; 15 minutes


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The protective aspect of walls motivated the creation of the Great Wall of China, Israel's current wall deflecting Palestinian rockets and terrorists, and the wall protecting Jerusalem in Nehemiah's time. God has placed a metaphorical wall of protection around those who remain faithful. The proposed wall between Mexico and America has been sabotaged by establishment politicians who mock that no plane will be hindered by a wall. Most migrants, however, are too poor to buy plane tickets, but flee by foot the poverty of badly mismanaged national economies, bringing crime, disease epidemics, and cultural destabilization to America. Over the last several decades, the aggregate illegal Spanish-only speaking population has exceeded 12 million, with 60 million residents speaking languages other than English, replicating the chaos and confusion when God separated the languages at the Tower of Babel. The migrant invasion experienced by the Israelitish countries has been entirely self-inflicted, occasioned by their rejecting God's covenant and His Law.


What I am going to comment on here is nowhere near as bloody as what Mike was speaking on ["Hiding in Plain Sight"], but in the long run it may turn out to be even more bloody.

The subject of a border wall between America and Mexico following the course of the Rio Grande River was a fairly large issue during the presidential election. The subject was almost always generated by Mr. Trump saying he would do something about it.

Walls have served as a barrier between nations, and sometimes a massive amount of labor went into erecting them. The Great Wall of China stretches a distance of near 1,000 miles and is said to be visible from the moon. It was erected in order to fend off invasion from China’s north. It was thus a primary means of defense for China.

Even in our times, the Jews erected a wall to divide Jerusalem in order not to have to resort to war. Walls do not provide perfect protection but they do deter to some degree. There is even a bit of human wisdom learned from the harsh realities of life, saying that "good fences make good neighbors."

Anciently, walls were a dominating feature of cities. Cities were, for the sake of protection, frequently built on the top of a hill and then a wall was added as an additional barrier to fend off invaders. Walls around cities were so common in the ancient world that a person would think a city without a wall would be an incongruity!

Walls were very costly and labor intensive to build but considered an absolute necessity. Archeologist have found that Israelitish city walls were generally about 20 to 25 feet thick and at least equally of that height. They served as a prominent role in community life above their defensive purposes.

How often does one find city gates mentioned in the Bible? Those gates were in the wall surrounding the city. Virtually every citizen attended community meetings held there because that is where the people congregated in most cities.

Rahab apparently lived right in the wall, and conniving queen Jezebel was executed by being thrown from the city wall of Jerusalem and its height at that place was sufficient to kill her.

Virtually the most important building project upon the Jews' release from their captivity is described in detail in the book of Nehemiah. That wall was so important to the citizens' well-being that at its completion it was dedicated with a great deal of relief and ceremonial flourish.

The walls of Babylon and Nineveh in Assyria were world renowned for both their massive size and architecture. They were very close to being proclaimed as Wonders of the Ancient World because they were so massive in their size.

Walls not only separated people as a means of protection from the angry enemies who wanted to pillage and plunder, but there was also a transportable wall around the Tabernacle in the wilderness to keep God’s symbolic dwelling place separate even from the ordinary Israelite citizen.

A wall’s highest symbolic meaning is found when it is used as a very symbol of salvation itself because of their ability to preserve and protect:

Isaiah 60:18 (Revised Standard Version) "You shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates praise.”

Ironically, a wall is also a biblical symbol of misplaced trust because they could be breached. Thus, on a few occasions the biblical record tells us of a wall that was breached. The walls of Jericho are such because they came tumbling down because no wall could resist the power of God. That ought to have taught the Israelites something.

Over and above all those is that God states that He puts a wall of protection around those faithful to Him. We cannot see it, but it is there and it is sure.

Mr. Trump boldly proclaimed that he would build one but that Mexico would pay for it because that nation was in his mind pretty much the cause of the present problem. I have no doubt Mexico is indeed part of the problem because no nation in these times manages its economics circumstances well.

Enemies of Mr. Trump immediately criticized his proclamation to build a wall. They said that no wall can hinder the flight of an airplane over the wall. True, but I wonder, compared to the number of people who have crossed the Rio Grande walking, going by automobile, or even swimming—how many emigrants have ever emigrated by flying in an airplane? Hardly any by comparison. You begin to see a practicality peeking through here. I have no figures, but my guess is few have because emigrants rarely have the money to fly.

Why do massive numbers of people pick up all traces of their then-present life and emigrate to another nation? In most cases, it is simply a matter of life and death. For whatever the motivations might be, the bottom line reason is most frequently fear of dying of starvation if they remain where they are. They reach the conclusion that if they remain where, they are they have no hope of a better life. In many cases, it is a matter of not having even enough for their next meal. Migration becomes a life and death matter. They feel they have no choice but to leave and go somewhere else, and maybe somebody will give them a hand out.

Mismanaged national economies are indeed a major cause of the massive migration movements the world has witnessed in our most recent decades. Even though America permits greater emigration than all other nations in the world combined, they have been far more negatively impacting on European nations than on us. But the costs in the United States are becoming ever more visible.

Listen to how it stands right now. Are you aware that the total of illegal, Spanish-speaking immigrants already in America has reached an astounding 12 million? This is creating a transformation the citizens were never allowed to vote on. It was simply forced on us by our leadership and outsiders in the United Nations. There is no wall available for us to stop it. We are being invaded by a massive, massive army of hungry people. I have never seen any of the zombie movies, but that gives a fair picture of what is beginning to happen. (Apparently; I have no idea what they are like.)

Have you ever been asked to "Press 1 for English or 2 for Spanish"? Are you aware that New York City and Los Angeles each have 2 million people whose main, everyday language is not English? English is disappearing. Are you aware that in Laredo, McAllen, El Paso, and Brownsville, Texas, the majority population is Mexican? They are not small cities. And in California, the same is true of El Centro, Merced, and Yuma, AZ joined them on that list. Sixty million residents nationwide speak another language than English in their home. That’s 20% of the total population. Chaos developed when God confused the language at Babel. That is where we are headed. If you cannot speak to one another, there is no hope for peace because each is going to fight for his own.

In addition, 44 states offer driver’s licenses in other languages. Connecticut offers one in 21 languages and Massachusetts in 25, and even Kentucky offers a driver’s license in 23 languages.

I said the toll is really just beginning to mount because the immigrants are bringing with them diseases we may not be equipped to counter at this time. Germany is reporting massive increases in things such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. Are German parents going to lose their children? That too is an Israelitish country. They are beginning to see the loss of their children, and God says, "I will take your children from you. The United States is on the same list because they are rising here, too, and no brick and mortar can stop this invasion.

Just this past week 8 illegal adults were cooked to death in the back of a truck in San Antonio, just like babies are frequently cooked [in cars] throughout the United States because somebody forgot that the baby was there. They forgot this load of people in the back of the truck. They died.

We brought this on ourselves because American citizens demanded no accountability from our representatives. They were just forced on us because our representatives are cooperating with people outside the United States.


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