Sermonette: Places of Safety (Part Two)
Ryan McClure
Given 03-Nov-18; 16 minutes
description: (hide) The reality show Castaways demonstrates the various responses of individuals placed in survival conditions. Some respond to community needs, others respond egotistically. In scriptural references to places of safety, similar challenges to community are posed, as when God cautions those to take few if any provisions (Matthew 24: 15-22). On the other hand, when the Israelites were called into the Exodus, they left with full provisions (Exodus 12: 36-38). In both instances, the most needful thing everyone took with him was character—his distinct and definitive moral and mental qualities. Consequently, we need to ask, "What do I bring to a place of safety?" (or wherever we go for that matter). The sum of our experiences and responses to those experiences constitutes our character. God has warned us, as He did Noah, what is to come; we now have time to refine our character, allowing God's Spirit to transform us into the image and stature of Jesus Christ.